Council Rock Superintendent Robert Fraser Takes Leave of Absence. His Support of Masks in Schools is Unpopular. | Newtown News of Interest |

From the January 12, 2022, issue of the Bucks County Courier Times.


UPDATE: The Council Rock Board of School Directors will vote Thursday, February 17, 2022, on a separation agreement with the district's superintendent, the board announced.


Council Rock Superintendent Robert Fraser has taken a temporary leave from his role leading the district. "The board will provide further information to the community as soon as possible," said School Board President Ed Salamon.


Fraser said ahead of the school board's review of the health and safety  plan on Jan. 6 that he recommended students and staff keep wearing masks, and understood that the topic of masking has been "contentious and divisive."


"My bottom-line preference is to have students wearing a mask in school as opposed to being  at home learning virtually," Fraser said.


On Thursday, the board voted to amend the district's health and safety plan, which now says the district recommends masks, but that masks would be an individual student/parent choice, which also includes staff. They approved those changes to the plan in a 5-4 vote.