At the February 23, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) public meeting, Gregg I. Adelman, Principal of Kaplin|Stewart Attorneys, presented an overview of the latest Toll Bros plan to build 45 single-family homes on approximately 158 acres of the All Saints Cemetery property located along Twining Bridge Road near its intersection with Durham Road (S.R. 413). See Toll Bros North Drive Plan Presentation:

Several residents made comments and not all of them were negative.

Joesph McAtee said he preferred living next to a farm but he thought the settlement plan was a good compromise. He also thought that new development may impact taxes in the short term, but thought Mr. Calabro did not take increased expenses – such as school resources – into account.

Bradley Cooper had a lot to say about how Newtown has changed due to the greed of developers and over-building. He misses the farms and the open space. He also complained about justifying this development because of "making a buck."

Mr. Andrew Neville also was critical of the "making a buck" justification that Supervisor Calabro mentioned. He felt that the BOS was "leading the to what he should be saying."

Mr. Greg Czarnota said that although he was not a fan of Toll Bros, he thought this was a good settlement agreement. "108 [actually 99] acres for free!", said Mr. Czarnota. "We can rent it to farmers. We could do lots of things with it!", he said. One idea expressed by another resident was a senior center.

But Mr. Czarnota also said: "That's land that won't be built on." However, as another resident asked: Will the land be deed restricted so that future supervisors can't build on it?

After Mr. Adelman’s presentation and after comments/questions from BOS members and the public, the BOS approved the settlement agreement unanimously.

See "Toll Bros North Drive Plan: BOS Comments";