[In an attempt to maintain vital transportation funding that is being lost as gas tax revenues go away, Oregon has a program for a mileage-based fee to be paid on electric vehicles in lieu of a gas tax to fund infrastructure repairs. Currently the fee is less than 2 cents per mile. Pennsylvania is considering a similar proposal which will be important to townships for help in funding road repairs.]
For Oregonians who drive, chances are that the vehicle they use to get around is much more fuel efficient than models from just a few decades ago — particularly if it's a hybrid or electric vehicle.
That's a net positive for drivers and for the environment, but not for the Oregon Department of Transportation. The agency relies heavily on revenue from gas taxes, and the money pays for upkeep on roads, bridges and other transportation projects.
In Oregon, the state part of the gas tax is 38 cents a gallon. For Washington drivers, it's 49 cents a gallon. Both state transportation agencies are feeling the fuel efficiency squeeze.
As more people go hybrid or electric, there's a looming eventuality that gas tax revenue will fall off a cliff.
I recall that this issue came up at a Jointure meeting when discussing a possible ordinance regarding electric car charging stations.