Was Covid Disagreements With CRSB or His Support of DEI the Reason for Council Rock Superintendent Fraser’s Departure? | Newtown News of Interest | Scoop.it

It appears that disagreements between some Council Rock School Board members and Superintendent Robert Fraser over COVID-19 protocols played at least some and possibly a significant role in his departure from the district.


The two parties mutually agreed to part ways while Fraser – Council Rock’s superintendent since 2015 – was on a medical leave that extended until April 30. The school board voted 6-3 at a Feb. 17 special meeting to approve a separation agreement with Fraser.


While most school board members aren’t saying much and Fraser could not be reached for comment, remarks made by board member Yota Palli at the Feb. 17 meeting and events in the district over the last two years seem to indicate that differences over Covid could have been central in Fraser’s exit.


He disagreed frequently with some board members at public meetings over protocols like masking and when to return students to in-person instruction since the pandemic hit in March of 2020.


[Fraser also disagreed with some CRSB members and the public regarding diversity, equity, & inclusion (see Insights below).]


“Dr. Fraser is a very competent professional and there is no reason for separation,” Palli said at the special meeting. “I don’t find it prudent and in the best interests of our community and students.”


Alluding to the differences on COVID-19 protocols, she added that Fraser was essentially pushed out “only because he recommended the advice of the experts.” Palli only recently joined the board and was not on it for much of the pandemic.


She voted against the separation agreement along with Ed Tate and Mariann McKee. Voting in favor were board President Ed Salamon, Vice President Michael Thorwart and members Kristin Marcell, Joseph Hidalgo, Mike Roosevelt and Bob Hickey.