At the February 9, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS), a Newtown resident who had questions about the proposed gun show was called a "cry baby" by Mr. John D'Aprile.

Mr. Frank McCarron posed some very good questions about the appeal process and the intent of Mr. Worthington to follow-through on his promise to postpone the show until it is approved by the Zoning Hearing Board.

Mr. D'Aprile then stepped up to the podium and began by insulting Mr. McCarron, referring to him and other critics of the gun show as "cry babies." 

Something must be done to reign in Mr. D'Aprile who is constantly disrupts what otherwise would be civilized discourse. Perhaps the BOS needs to issue a resolution outlining "Ethics, Rules of Procedure, and Standards of Conduct for Citizens Attending and Commenting at Board of Supervisors Meetings."