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Newtown Environmental Advisory Council

Monday, January 9, 2023, 7:00 PM

Newtown Township Public Meeting Room

100 Municipal Drive


Likely on AGENDA: Single-Use Plastics Ban. For background, read "#NewtownPA Businesses: Are You Ready to Finally Give Up Single Use Plastics?"

See Solebury Ordinance as a sample ordinance considered as a model...



Newtown Sewer Authority Board

Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 3:30 PM

15 S Congress St, Newtown, PA 18940, USA


Have your rates gone up? A resident emailed me indicating his quarterly sewer bill rose by 20%.  

I note that the agenda for the Dec 2022 meeting included under Old Business: "Rate Increase BCW&SA & Approval of Amended Budget 2022-2023". I heard that the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority (BCSWA) may be raising rates to cover a bond to make infrastructure improvements (see https://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/story/news/2022/12/20/bucks-county-water-and-sewer-authority-to-issue-a-bonds-for-repairs/69739737007/). 



Newtown Board of Supervisors

Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 7:00 PM

Newtown Township Public Meeting Room

100 Municipal Drive

Also live via Cable TV: Channel 22 (Comcast), Channel 40 (Verizon). Live streaming via Youtubehttps://bit.ly/3xeFpiL 

Emailed comments sent to Comments@newtownpa.gov during the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting. Please keep your comments as brief and to the point as possible. All public comment must contain the commenter’s name and address. You may also make comments if you attend in person.

Learn more about the Board of Supervisors.

On Agenda:

Pedestrian Bridge Over #NewtownPA Creek

Resolution to lower speed limit on Newtown-Yardley Rd between Elm St and Lower Dolington Rd - see https://www.johnmacknewtown.info/blog/?viewDetailed=202301020154




Newtown Joint Historic Commission

Monday, January 23, 2023, 7:30 PM

23 N. State Street. Newtown Borough Hall


The Joint Historic Commission's primary responsibility is the protection and preservation of historically and/or architecturally significant structures in Newtown Borough and Newtown Township.

On the Agenda: "Historic" farmhouse on Toll Bros site

Before Toll can demolish the building(s) it must file an application with the Joint Historic Commission, which will examine the property and determine if it qualifies by their standards as an historic site. If so, they will make a recommendation that it NOT be demolished. “Understanding the Buck county Comp plan is working on ‘identifying’ Historic Resources... Well we just discovered a major one. :),” said Mr. Deutsch in an email. More...https://johnmacknewtown.info/blog/?viewDetailed=202212161011