My Personal Notes from the April 14, 2021 Newtown Township BOS Meeting | Newtown News of Interest |

Grant for Police Vehicles, Newtown Community Cleanup, Technology & Communications Committee Re-organized, Environmental Seminars, Wireless Facilities Ordinance & DAS, 2021 Road paving Program, More...


These are my personal notes from the14 April 2021 Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) Meeting. Not all items on the agenda are covered in these notes.



  • DCED Grant for Police Vehicle
  • Educational Anti-litter Campaign
  • EAC Liaison Report
  • JZC Liaison Report
  • 2021 Road Program: List of Roads to be Repaved in 2021
  • March 2021 Police Report
  • April 14, 2021, Bill List totaling $332,651.19




View the meeting video archive:


Download the PDF version here: