Some Council Rock North Parents Livid Over Upcoming Concert, Which is Now Canceled! | Newtown News of Interest |

[UPDATE: March 2nd FOP Concert Canceled
After conversations between the Bucks County Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 53 and the Council Rock School District, the FOP has decided to cancel its scheduled concert on Saturday, March 2, 2019 that would have featured the band “Confederate Railroad.” This concert, which was never a district-sponsored event, was scheduled to be held at one of our schools through the district’s facility usage process. - Susan O'Grady, Council Rock Community.]


A country music concert event scheduled in March at Council Rock North has angered many parents and community members, who are taking issue with the band's name as well as song titles and lyrics.


Confederate Railroad has been booked by the Bucks County Fraternal Order of Police to play its annual Country Music Show event on March 2 at the high school in Newtown. The event is not sponsored by the district.


But some parents are not pleased the district is permitting a band with such song titles as "She Took It Like A Man," "Psycho Bitch From Hell," and "White Trash with Money" in their repertoire to play at the local school. Further, opponents state, the band name [and logo – see image] is offensive and promotes slavery.


A group of the concerned parents have launched a petition demanding the district cancel the booked performance.


"Not only is the name of the band offensive, their song titles and lyrics are degrading to women and many others as well. They refer to people as 'white trash,' 'rednecks,' and 'trashy women,'" says the petition, which was launched by the Council Rock Concerned Community Members group.


The petition makes clear the event is not sponsored by the district, but takes issue with the fact that it is even being permitted on school grounds.


As of Thursday afternoon, 38 people have signed the petition. You can view it here.