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Scooped by Brian Yanish - from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
onto MarketingHits
November 15, 2012 12:38 AM!

Taking the Office to Bed

Taking the Office to Bed | MarketingHits |
As more people turn their mattresses into a work space, companies offer work-in-bed products. One mattress boasts built-in outlets.


Is clacking away on a laptop while sprawling on bed sheets more comfortable and productive than hunching over a desk?

Researchers who study work habits say a new generation reared on mobile devices is increasingly accustomed to using them while propped against pillows, lying down or in a fetal curl.


Half of 1,000 workers polled this year by Good Technology, a Sunnyvale, Calif., mobile-security software company, said they read or respond to work emails from bed. A study of 329 British workers found nearly 1 in 5 employees spends two to 10 hours a week working from bed, according to the 2009 poll by Credant Technologies, a London-based data-security company.


Via The Learning Factor
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