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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 11, 2014 11:54 AM!

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes | Must Market |

Posted by Serge Salager on TechCrunch Editor’s note: Serge Salager was formerly CEO of OneMove Technologies and a marketing manager at Affinnova and Procter & Gamble.   After several years of relatively stagnant waters, what was a dull CRM landscape dominated by one player is heating up dramatically. Salesforce officially put its $3.5 billion market …

Marty Note
WOW and WOW. Hubspot confirms what web marketers already know - distance between CRM, CMS and Content Marketing / Curation is short. As distinctions between tools blurs because it must we will gain.

Perhaps a new generation of tools will actually WORK without needing to string a ten tools together, bridge five analytics ecosystems and answer the questions we need to know in near real time.

Pigs flying yet? HubSpot's CRM entry could be ALL GOOD though :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 24, 2014 10:29 AM!

Searchlight Is A Great Enterprise SEO Tool from NY based Conductor

Searchlight Is A Great Enterprise SEO Tool from NY based Conductor | Must Market |

Enterprise SEO with Conductor Searchlight the world's leading natural search platform. Benchmark your performance against competitors, find the best keywords to target, uncover your competitors backlink strategies and more.

Marty Note
This is one of the best #SEO tools I've seen combining the best elements of other tools such as SpyFu and SEOmoz. Searchlight by Conductor creates an SEO tool for content marketers and curators and who isn't a content marketer these days? The tool is agency friendly too!

Strengths of this impressive tool include:

* Keyword management (for you and competitors). 
* Paid and organic search data.

* Templated and easy to private label "work spaces" to share reporting with clients.

* Reasonable price / value.

* Sliders to manage prioritization based on dimensions such as difficulty of the task or ROI. 

Searchlight by Conductor is a great SEO tool built for content marketers and curators.  

Will write more about why this tool should be a MUST for any Internet marketing team on  over the weekend. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 9, 2013 10:10 PM!

Eight Data Myths That Get Marketing Directors Fired

Eight Data Myths That Get Marketing Directors Fired | Must Market |
From obsessing about real-time data to buying advertising based on ad impressions/page views to celebrating Likes, learn how to avoid eight common mistakes.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Eight data myths that marketing people believe that get them fired:

1. Real-time data is life changing.
2. All you need to do is fix the bounce rate.
3. Number of Likes represents social awesomeness.
4. # 1 Search Results Ranking = SEO Success.
6. Page views. Give me more page views, more and more and more!
7. Impressions. Go, get me some impressions stat!
8. Demographics and psychographics. That is all I need! Don't care for intent!  

Beyond Brilliant! @avinash

Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:35 AM
Ooohhh my...sounds very familiar!!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 14, 2014 8:28 AM!

Cooking The 'Books': Why We Are Loving Curagami Scores

Cooking The 'Books': Why We Are Loving Curagami Scores | Must Market |

Cooking The 'Books': Why We Are Loving Curagami Scores
We lucky few #internetmarketers have a problem. We are betwixt and between these days. What was OLD (seo) is GONE. What is NEW isn't clearly visible yet.

One hard won trick from over 13 years of Internet marketing is when the real world gets too weird make and model an artificial one. This G+ post shares how we are creating Curagmi Scores to evaluate exotic "ingredients" and cook the books.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social Media & Marketing
October 22, 2013 8:28 AM!

Content Marketing Trends 2013: Video Popular, Blogs Valued, Social Measurement Lacking

Content Marketing Trends 2013: Video Popular, Blogs Valued, Social Measurement Lacking | Must Market |

|Nearly half of companies (46%) now have formal content marketing strategies, and 37% are considering such strategies, according to a recent survey of 217 marketing professionals by Unisphere Research and...

Via Günter Schumacher
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The great title of this scoop says it all. Everyone is creating content marketing but no one is sure how the top of the conversion funnel, those things we do like blogging and social media that drive traffic, and the bottom of the funnel, the magic land of conversions and ROI live, are connected.

There are several problems trying to connect traffic generation to ROI and conversion including:

* Attribution.
* Lack of accurate tools.
* Lack of predictive analytics.

Attribution, knowing where converting traffic came from, can be a bear. Conversion funnels can be peppered with visits; content and referring URLs What was the magic combination that actually created the conversion? Sophisticated analytics model attribution and assign some weighted value, but this is riff with bias and accurate enough (generally) to calm the riot. Some modeled attribution still beats NONE since no modeled attribution can lead to cutting off your websites proverbial nose to spite its face.

Time is part of the attribution problem. Some content lasts for a day and that are all its ever going to do. Other "evergreen" content can last for a year sending converting traffic all along. How do you know when you have short or long term content? By how it behaves and that is defining a bard door after horses are already out.

There is a missing algorithm in all of this. The magic QUANT math that can accurately connect funnel tops to bottoms. The problem is that QUANT math better be flexible and have some Artificial Intelligence-like flexibility or it isn't of much use since the web is a constantly changing sea of data, attribution and time.

We will master these complex FACTORS and find a way to better connect our funnel tops and bottoms someday soon. In the meantime bailing wire and chewing gum ROI systems will continue to rule our content marketing investments.


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