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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 11, 2014 11:54 AM!

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes | Must Market |

Posted by Serge Salager on TechCrunch Editor’s note: Serge Salager was formerly CEO of OneMove Technologies and a marketing manager at Affinnova and Procter & Gamble.   After several years of relatively stagnant waters, what was a dull CRM landscape dominated by one player is heating up dramatically. Salesforce officially put its $3.5 billion market …

Marty Note
WOW and WOW. Hubspot confirms what web marketers already know - distance between CRM, CMS and Content Marketing / Curation is short. As distinctions between tools blurs because it must we will gain.

Perhaps a new generation of tools will actually WORK without needing to string a ten tools together, bridge five analytics ecosystems and answer the questions we need to know in near real time.

Pigs flying yet? HubSpot's CRM entry could be ALL GOOD though :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 12, 2014 8:09 AM!

Guest Blogging: Google Not Walking Their Talk

Guest Blogging: Google Not Walking Their Talk | Must Market |

Guest Blogging Works Because
Guest blogging is not dead and most likely it will never die. We have the proof coming right from a guest blog post on Google. We also have proof from fiends at SalesForce who BLEW UP their blog by asking for guest posts.

SalesForce published 54% of the time from guests last year and their blog traffic went through the roof. Even better, they made more money. Strange that Matt Cutts would suggest sticking a fork in guest blogging when Google continues to ask guests to blog.

Guest blogging works, when done right, because your guest brings their social network to your content. This "friends of friends" marketing idea is at the core of our Startup Factory funded startup. Curagami believes in the power of THEIR content on your digital assets.

So, when Google's talk is one way and walk is another GO WITH THEIR WALK. And in the case of guest blogging Google's walk supports guest blogging.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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