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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 15, 2015 6:46 AM!

Make A Mobile Icon For Your Blog Featured On Reddit

Make A Mobile Icon For Your Blog Featured On Reddit | Must Market |

Easy Marketing Trick
Want to increase traffic to your blog without spending any money? Use JetPack's mobile icon to add an icon for your blog on your phone AND share with your customers so they have a quick link from their phones to your blog.

Featured on Reddit! 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 15, 2015 4:02 PM
Thanks @malek! You know now hard "down to earth" is for me, but this one was a fun find. Marty
malek's comment, June 15, 2015 5:43 PM
@Martin (Marty) Smith it's the singer, not the song
Pooja Runija's curator insight, June 16, 2015 2:03 AM

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 8:30 AM!

Social Media: It's the Conversation, Stupid via @HaikuDeck

Social Media: It's the Conversation, Stupid via @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

Social Media It's The Conversation, Stupid is about the new rules of branding created by a social / mobile / connected world.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 6, 2014 12:07 AM!

Want To Escape From Google? Diversify Your Internet Marketing - Curatti

Want To Escape From Google? Diversify Your Internet Marketing - Curatti | Must Market |

Overweight Google SEO? You need to diversify. Google organic search is losing power as mobile, social and community create important new marketing channels.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 1, 2014 12:13 AM!

Customer Loyalty - 5 Ways SoLoMo Disrupts Loyalty - Curatti

Customer Loyalty - 5 Ways SoLoMo Disrupts Loyalty - Curatti | Must Market |

Customers are loyal to the web. Many traditional brands including car makers & dealers are having their karma leveled. Will car people ever get it? 

5 Ways SoLoMo Disrupts Loyalty
* Changing Times.

* Shifting Buyer Perceptions.

* Tech Trends.

* Winning Hearts & Minds.

* Giving Things Away FREE to mine gold of loyalty & data.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MobileWeb
January 19, 2014 10:31 AM!

Emerging Channels Challenge SEO for Marketing Dollars

Emerging Channels Challenge SEO for Marketing Dollars | Must Market |

As more consumers switch to smart phones, emerging channels are gaining importance in a marketing space that SEO has dominated. For years, brands have used SEO strategy to market their products, but it has become harder to find as an increasing number of search results are returning unrelated content.

Also, according to one entrepreneur, in 2013 organic search results made up only 13 percent of screen space. The rest of the screen was dominated by "ads and jun"

Problems with SEO-lead strategy are only magnified as more consumers view content on mobile devices. For instance, vertical and native search on mobile is continually threatening traditional search. Google’s traditional search traffic had declined 3 percent by the end of 2012.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Startups Think Mobile First
I got this lesson at Triangle Startup Factories Fall Showcase when more than half of the "graduating" startups were MOBILE focused almost to the exclusion of content on Google. 

These startups could have cared less about organic SEO. I'm not sure I would live all the way there YET but SOT (Sign of the Times) and yet another big wake up call to Google. 

It is possible via app stores and direct connection into what is rapidly becoming many people's #1 digital device - their SmartPhone - to build a substantial business and have NO top ranked keywords in Google. 

All things being equal I still want content in the Big G since a traffic source as valuable as that is stupid to ignore, but the brash thinking of next gen entrepreneurs DOESN'T INCLUDE GOOGLE. 

Google, for these brash mobile first entrepreneurs, doesn't enter in their field of vision. They aren't worried about winning organic SEO as much as they fear bad ratings on the app store (lol). 

After spending years tweaking, cajoling and pleading organic SEO I'm ready for something new and different. SEO feels played out, not worth half the time we used to put in it and OVER.  


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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MobileWeb
November 25, 2013 9:46 AM!

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly | Must Market |
Are you reading this on your mobile device? The probability is likely, considering there are currently 6 billion (and growing!) active mobile devices in the world, and companies continue to tailor their marketing to the small screen of your iPhone.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great mobile / social Tips Scooped by Brian Yanish (@MarketingHits) including:

* Resize your Facebook posts No bigger than 620 x 320

* Choose Facebook Ads wisely

* Make it visual

* Turn up the content

* Get smart about couponing

* Take advantage of Twitter

* Upload to Instagram

* Utilize Email Marketing

My favorite is getting smart about couponing as that tip can make a real difference to your bottom line especially at this time of year.

Be careful not to have "battling coupons" where one deal wipes out another an check coupon websites like Retail Me Not to make sure they are up to date and don't have old coupon codes that don't work anymore since there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get a deal that is dead.

Joachim Scholz, PhD's curator insight, December 2, 2013 9:24 AM

The first phase of the trend towards mobile is in full swing, and it is time to adapt your marketing strategies for it. Resizing facebook ads, making it more visual and so on are the obvious things to think about, but there is also a second revoultion wrapped in the first: The move to (mobile) content marketing.


To oversimplify: Consumers watch big screens, but they touch small ones!


So the marketing communications you put on consumers' phone screens needs to be much more content oriented, something your consumers will voluntarily seek out. Being a service star in getting consumers the right coupon is a first thing to do, but also add levels of engagement and play. Coke did a great example during the London Olympic Games (on Marketing in Motion, use the Find buttom) for which they created a music DJ/mixing app that allowed consumers to build their own soundtrack to the games and send it to their friends.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 30, 2014 3:38 PM!

Why Responsive Design Is A 2015 MUST! & What Thinking Mobile First MEANS via Ez & Scenttrail

Why Responsive Design Is A 2015 MUST! & What Thinking Mobile First MEANS via Ez & Scenttrail | Must Market |

Scenttrail Note Responsive Design
I wanted a post to explain Responsive Design's SEO implications in easy clear language and this post does that beautifully. I wanted an easy explanation of WHY RESPONSIVE so I could blow your mind a little.

Responsive impacts SEO because Google wants to be relevant to mobile search. The post explains that dimension well, but there's another dimension rarely considered - Responsive Design's impact on data architecture.

Data architecture seems a lost science. Having spent most of the December tunneling into a friend's website ( I can tell you there is NOTHING more important than how you classify information on your site.

The tug-of-war between search spiders and people has a new dimension now - mobile people. Mobile people need FLAT design, fewer options and smaller more visual presentation. Bless WordPress for making it so easy to Accordion a site's design, but if you don't think about HOW your information will be displayed on smartphone you are nuts.

Mobile people need different kinds of presentation and design than even laptopers. Mobile people need flatter, louder and more engaging User Interfaces.They need simple connection (to friends and social nets) and swiipe-y "waterfall" content.

You can't create "waterfall content" because your blog has rsponsive design built in. You get a site that doesn't sit well in its mobile coat. Better to STOP and RESTART with MOBILE FIRST as your content marketing guide and that means:

1. Visuals tease snippets.

2. Snippets tease deeper exploration (outside to social nets or inside to Snippet Plus content).

We don't READ on mobile devices we scan, swipe and send. Look at your GPlus or Facebook timelines. What gets all the engagement?

1. Pictures.
2. Questions
3. Videos

Some content such as contests and games combine those elements with deadlines, prizes and competition (always good for mobile). Are you thinking MOBILE FIRST? Share HOW and we will write a post about how to THINK Mobile First.

Thanks & Happy New Year. Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 3, 2014 8:51 AM!

Why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales & Everything!

Why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales & Everything! | Must Market |

25% of consumers used ONLY a smartphone for automotive research & shopping before visiting a dealership. Find out why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great share by +Tim McLain that should be read by ALL #marketing pros for its #socialmobile implications. Mobile is SO MUCH MORE than making information look good on a #smartphone .

As we were building I got that strange feeling you get when you take a wrong turn. About halfway in you realize something isn't quite right. If we could do our first attempts at creating a #gamified #contentmarketing engine for #ecommerce over (and we can and will) I would have gone #mobilefirstdesign .

There are many ways Mobile First changes your process and product including:

* More likely to limit functionality (cuts down on superfluous bells and whistles).
* Flatten the design.
* Limit the color palette.
* Change the #informationarchitecture (from long form to combined snippets).
* More social.
* More gamified (phones are game consoles).

What is true for car dealers is true for all #webmarketing - Mobile is HERE and we best get used to it and embrace this revolution as it picks up speed and fury.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 28, 2014 11:51 PM!

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti | Must Market |

Community shock is what comes after March Schaefer's content shock. This post shares 3 quick tips for winning the coming race to create online community:

* Social - embracing social media marketing.

* Mobile - operating mobile first and crating responsive websites.

* Gamification - using the 4th pillar of building online community to attain the scale and return every Internet marketer needs.

malek's curator insight, April 29, 2014 6:48 AM

Intriguing, mix economy with content and you'll be playing a new game. @Martin (Marty) Smith is outlining how to survive the new order.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 1, 2014 10:40 AM!

Your Customer Is Mobile, But What Does That Mean? - Curatti

Your Customer Is Mobile, But What Does That Mean? - Curatti | Must Market |
It’s obvious that we as consumers have taken a liking to our smartphones. It’s our on demand connection to anything we could possibly need when it comes to information. Which means, as a business owner, we need to pay attention to how our customers engage with our content and us. How. Where. When. What Device. …
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow, I feel like crap today and reading these Greck Hickman posts from may be the only productive thing I do but glad I got this done since they are BOTH great reads and timely as we try and go MOBILE FIRST on :

First great mobile post 



Alain Theriault MBA's curator insight, March 11, 2014 10:07 AM

More and more, Mobile is the way to reach our customer on personal level

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from AtDotCom Social media
January 4, 2014 4:16 PM!

6 Reasons to Create Great Visual Content Marketing in 2014

6 Reasons to Create Great Visual Content Marketing in 2014 | Must Market |

Big Data has been a theme for 2013, and it poses the threatening question of how one can possibly interpret all the data that is available to take in.

As consumers of data, we’re constantly deciding whether to “bookmark” a particularly interesting file, or make an entry in Evernote to come back to read it later. There is so much data being generated every single minute on the Internet that it becomes increasingly time-consuming to make decisions such as: Should I read it now? Should I make a note of it in my Moleskin notepad? Should I email the link to myself?

In short, we spend more time sorting through, curating and organizing data that already exists. In doing so, we create more data about data!

Via Brian Yanish -, John van den Brink
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

If we are smack in the middle of a digital marketing revolution one of the most important wheels keeping that revolution turning faster and faster is VISUAL marketing. Friends @Scoopit call this "lean content", content that conveys complexity quickly, simply with visualization.

Mobile is another wheel turning the marketing revolution faster and faster AND being accelerated by little screens with their swiping, snipping and spinning of "mobile content".

What is "mobile content"? Some say there is no such thing ad "mobile content". I think there is an opportunity to create "mobile first" websites where content flows evenly, smoothly and in many directions at once.

Content is why the "mobile revolution" is about more than phones. Once we re-imagine content that creates engagement across all platforms (social and owned) we see the need for arresting visuals, great headlines and content snippets.

We are smack in the middle of a revolution. Visual marketing is a monster flywheel driving this revolution faster and faster, better and better. Find ways to make your content leaner and more visual in 2014 to stay up with the game.

Rim Riahi's curator insight, January 5, 2014 1:59 AM

Big Data has been a theme for 2013, and it poses the threatening question of how one can possibly interpret all the data that is available to take in.


As consumers of data, we’re constantly deciding whether to “bookmark” a particularly interesting file, or make an entry in Evernote to come back to read it later. There is so much data being generated every single minute on the Internet that it becomes increasingly time-consuming to make decisions such as: Should I read it now? Should I make a note of it in my Moleskin notepad? Should I email the link to myself?


In short, we spend more time sorting through, curating and organizing data that already exists. In doing so, we create more data about data!

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Google Plus and Social SEO
November 15, 2013 7:07 PM!

Why Smart Social Marketers Think Mobile First

Why Smart Social Marketers Think Mobile First | Must Market |

Via janlgordon, Neil Ferree
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Agree with this infographic, but noticed a dangerous trend at Triangle Startup Factory's Fall Showcase. Some entrepreneurs go Mobile Only. Mobile only is only a good idea if you've figured out a distribution system that will never need Google. If you find that please call and let me invest in it too :). M

Manú Iñaki's curator insight, February 11, 2014 2:33 PM

Los usuarios de smartphones son importantes para la mercadotecnia


willdonovan's curator insight, February 27, 2014 7:42 AM

INFOGRAPHIC ALERT: The Social Case for Mobile 1st

Brenton Millers's curator insight, March 28, 2014 12:48 AM

This info graphic created by Unified shows statistics of how social marketers target people on a mobile platform.