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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 9, 2014 4:59 PM!

6 Reasons Content Curation Is Your Elephant - via @Curagami

6 Reasons Content Curation Is Your Elephant - via @Curagami | Must Market |

Content Curation is the "new marketing" & this post shares 6 reasons curating content should be your online marketing's elephant:

6 Reasons Content Curation Should Be Your Elephant
* Easy to curate content for any receiving device (great for mobile / social web).

* Encourages Sharing.

* More Reach Faster.

* Content Curation Great & Subtle Value Add.

* Great way to test.

* Protects valuable modeled digital assets.

How about you? Is content curation your digital marketing elephant? This post helps define content curation and shares 6 reasons why you will be curating more content next year than this:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 25, 2014 3:34 PM!

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella | Must Market |

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall
As much as I love a good debate the one I covered on ScentTrail Marketing on Friday between CEO Guillaume and ace content blogger Mark Schaefer is moot.

Google's algorithm is set. Facebook's "edgerank" is tightening. As Barabasi notes in his highly recommended book LINKED: How Everything Is Connected To Everything Else a hard rain is about to fall on content creators.

Do I believe in Guilluame advocacy of content curation? Yes, do I believe content curation can save PR4 blogs? Not even a little bit. The rich are about to get richer. Smart move is to pay the freight - cut partnership deals with content hubs in your business segment.

This G+ post shares how to structure such a deal since you need to discuss a lot of dimensions of support (not just what you owe them for their greatness lol).


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