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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 25, 2014 12:24 AM!

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti | Must Market |

If you are going to create #contentmarketing these days it better be EPIC. There is way too much noise. Only Epic Content will do. Here are 5 Easy Steps To Create Epic Content Marketing:

* Get your C-level executives to BELIEVE.
* Think Mobile First.
* Work with customers and creating a "commons".
* COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere).
* Write a Content Marketing Mission Statement.

Set the stage with those easy steps and EPIC is possible, epic content marketing is probable IF your commitment is strong, you learn fast and you don't mind failing a little. Remember the content you write is NOT about you.

Epic content marketing is always about CUSTOMERS. Answering questions, solving pain points and finding innovative ways to be "of service" are all great ideas for your EPIC content marketing.

Scooped by Gladys Pintado
April 5, 2013 10:34 AM!

How Your Team Becomes Epic Content Creators In 6 Easy Steps [+Marty Note]

How Your Team Becomes Epic Content Creators In 6 Easy Steps [+Marty Note] | Must Market |
If you're serious about instituting a successful company-wide blogging initiative, use this guide to get started. Your internal workforce may be a goldmine of epic content just waiting to be harnes...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Gold In Them There Hills
You need GREAT content and lots of it. Outsourcing great content is expensive. What do you do? A: You become a content creating engine creating GREAT content. K, how do you do THAT?

Now you are asking the right question. Sun Tzu said there is nothing as motivating as closing off all the exits. Here are 6 Steps from the Content Marketing Institute to help you create the content team you need:

1. Ideation/topic generation

2. Create Hook-y Blog titles

3. Blog Structure - The Magic Loop

4. Listen for Tone and Style

5. Content Governance (Who Signs Off)

6. Repurposing Content and Doubling Down


I create a lot of content since I love being a content marketer. I get ideas from three places:

* What is happening NOW.

* Branded themes I know are important or that I am interested in such as content marketing.

* Listening very carefully to feedback in all its many shapes and sizes (metrics, comments, reviews, friends talking to me over lunch, whatever).


Since the things you could write about are infinite I agree with having a solid plan, BUT I like to leave large blocks open for response, ideation or tweaking. Don't schedule every moment in a content marketing plan. Leave some open space.


Titles SELL Attention
You will learn how to form a title FAST and with hooks. Hooks are things that force engagement. An unanswered question can be a hook. A hot piece of news can be a hook. A branded guru or authority like Forrester can be a hook. I try to live by the 7-word rule - titles shouldn't exceed 7 words.

The Magic Loop
Stories open with connection and hooks, explain some things and then close the "magic" loop by going back the start and closing the loop. I don't write in loops, but by the time I get to the end of a piece I look for ways to pull the opening back and summarize the middle thus closing the loop.


Hear Tone By Reading Out loud
When I want to hear my tone I read the piece I'm working on out loud. Sometimes I record it. Usually just "hearing" the words as they are spoken helps fix stutters and pauses, helps speed up your writing and tone.


Governance is pretty straightforward, but don't put so many layers of approval on top of your content marketing that all spontaneity is washed out.

Double Down
When content GOES learn from it and immediate go back for MORE. Most of your content will meet with average response. Know those baselines well since the minute some new content is setting records for shares or links you want to write the redux piece. Your second acts will never get as much viral lift as your first, but they will get more than the average content since you are riffing a proven winner.


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