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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 6, 2017 8:53 AM!

Think Different - The Gravity of Digital Marketing - Curagami 

Think Different - The Gravity of Digital Marketing - Curagami  | Must Market |

Thinking Differed about Marketing

Digital marketing is different. Networks create power dynamics that wrap marketing's space/time. This Curagami post connects books by Barabasi explaining how networks really work to Flash Boys by Michael Lewis since the stock market is one big ultra-fast network now. 

The post discusses:

  • Internet Time Is Always NOW
  • Networks Are Different
  • Movement Marketing = Biggest Digital Marketing Trend NO ONE Understands
  • Influencers & Force Multipliers – Do You Know Yours
  • WHY not HOW

Join the conversation, share your wild west digital experiences and how you think marketing is being wrapped, changed, and manipulated: 

janlgordon's comment, June 6, 2017 3:53 PM
Thank you @massimo facchinetti
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 16, 2013 6:45 PM!

YouTube's New High End Studio FREE, For The Cool Kids

YouTube's New High End Studio FREE, For The Cool Kids | Must Market |
Youtube's new Hollywood studio is free, for some The idea is to dangle the prospect of Hollywood stardom before the eyes of millions of YouTube contributors in the hope that they'll step their games up, raise production values and shift...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Google's Rich Get Richer
If you've read Barabasi's book Linked: How Everything Is Connected TO Everything Else you know one mathematical certainty online is the RICH get RICHER.

YouTube and Google have created a cool state-of-the-art video creation facility. FREE if you can pay the freight. Free if you have the views, the velocity and the star potential.

Expect more of "Rich Get Richer" online marketing grouping since everyone wants the same thing - JUICE (buzz, viral content, whatever). BTW, the least likely way to create buzz is to follow the crowd.

IF that last sentence sounds like CATCH-22 it is and isn't. Actually its more like, "Any club that wants me for a member I don't want to have anything to do with," since to qualify for Google's free studio time means giving up the thing that got you the free studio time (ah and there's the Internet marketing rub if I ever heard it or thought it lol).  

One sure bet is RICH will get RICHER via the Internet marketing's compound interest (links). Disruption is quickly becoming your best contrarian play.  

One contrarian play that is rapidly becoming a favorite is don't aspire to be RICHER than you need. If 12 people and a dog can keep the mortgage paid and the product development engine primed then maye that is "rich enough" for you.

Google wants us to aspire to an increasing MORE in speed and volume. Perhaps one of the most magical things about the web is you can reach those 12 people and a dog who care about what you are doing the most.

Herasy I realize, but the hamster wheel of MORE seems a rigged game. When Google / YouTube creates a "by invitation only" star system they reinforce the rigged nature of the game.

The real REVOLUTION online is not everyone plays any game ever, so here's hoping 12 people and a dog find you and are sufficient to keep the wolf from the door :). Maybe we don't ALL have to get RICHER just better? Crazy talk I realize.  

BTW, YES the irony of providing tools to those who would seem to need them the least did strike me. CATCH-22 :). M  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 25, 2014 3:34 PM!

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall & Here's Your Umbrella | Must Market |

Content's Marketing's Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall
As much as I love a good debate the one I covered on ScentTrail Marketing on Friday between CEO Guillaume and ace content blogger Mark Schaefer is moot.

Google's algorithm is set. Facebook's "edgerank" is tightening. As Barabasi notes in his highly recommended book LINKED: How Everything Is Connected To Everything Else a hard rain is about to fall on content creators.

Do I believe in Guilluame advocacy of content curation? Yes, do I believe content curation can save PR4 blogs? Not even a little bit. The rich are about to get richer. Smart move is to pay the freight - cut partnership deals with content hubs in your business segment.

This G+ post shares how to structure such a deal since you need to discuss a lot of dimensions of support (not just what you owe them for their greatness lol).


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