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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 10, 2014 11:22 AM!

OPA: How To Use Other People's Audiences to Build Your Own via @stonetemple

OPA: How To Use Other People's Audiences to Build Your Own via @stonetemple | Must Market |
There is no wizard to conjure an audience for you; you must build it for yourself. Do it by publishing content in front of Other People's Audiences ("OPA").
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow my friend Mark Traphagen's boss (@MarkTraphagen) is GOOD! Here Eric Enge, founder of Stone Temple Consulting (@StoneTemple),  clearly explains a favorite tactic - using other SCALED people, websites, brands to help you scale.

Eric discusses the use of OPA (Other People's Audiences), but I also like OPC (Other People's Content) via content curation, OPN (Other People's Networks) and my personal favorite and what Phil Buckley (@1918) and I are doing right now at Triangle Startup Factory (@TRI_VC) Oter People's MONEY (OPM).

Eric's post is #toogood a #mustread and I will be riffing on it for our blog at soon.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 5, 2014 1:13 AM!

Exclusive: Why Engagement Matters Online @MarkTraphagen, Stone Temple Consulting via @CrowdFunde

Exclusive: Why Engagement Matters Online @MarkTraphagen, Stone Temple Consulting via @CrowdFunde | Must Market |

Social signals go way beyond Facebook likes. Listen as Mark traphagen explains the meta behind social signals and why you need to be aware of them. Exclusive @CrowdFunde Interview.

This post set a new Daily Views record on CrowdFunde Blog! 

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