European Commission: Luxembourg's importance as European digital hub to increase | #EU #DigitalLëtzebuerg #ICT | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Luxembourg as main sponsor

On Saturday, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Ansip wrote in the Wort: "This digital hub, already closely collaborating with Luxembourg's authorities, will play a key role in the implementation of the digital single market.

"It will work on different prioritised subjects: robotics, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, high-performance computing, data economy, public services online, digital solutions in the health sector, inclusion, culture and work."

On the legislative side, the Commission is working towards harmonising national regulations that block the free circulation of data and of which one of the main barriers is the impossibility of looking at online content protected by intellectual property rights linked to other jurisdictions (so-called geo-blocking).

Bettel's government, with its 'Digital Lëtzebuerg' initiative, is one of the main supporters and sponsors of this initiative, which seeks to unify and integrate the digital market.

Public/private synergies

Luxembourg's governments have been investing for years in digital infrastructure like cable connections and data centres to channel and store data.

The Grand Duchy is in the Top 5 of the "Digital Economy and Society Index 2017", due in particular to excellent marks when it comes to connectivity (second out of 28).

The European Commission has chosen Luxembourg as its centre to pool all data currently stored in "30 centres distributed over several countries", according to a member of Ansip's office.

In December 2016, European Commissioner Günther Oettinger inaugurated the Commission's second data centre in Luxembourg.

Its financing -- 56 million euros -- was taken on by the Grand Duchy for a period of 7-8 years.

At the end of this period, Luxembourg will ask the Commission to pay rent.


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