Luxembourg (Europe)
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Luxembourg (Europe)
Luxembourg in a nutshell. Everything interesting related to Luxembourg in French, English, German and Luxembourgish. We Luxembourgers are multilingual ;-)
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 13, 2017 4:36 PM!

Tomorrow Street: The Startup Ecosystem’s Missing Puzzle Piece | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #DigitalLuxembourg

Tomorrow Street: The Startup Ecosystem’s Missing Puzzle Piece | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #DigitalLuxembourg | Luxembourg (Europe) |

New public-private innovation center opens its doors in Luxembourg

Recognizing a lack of support for late-stage startups that have completed Series A funding, Tomorrow Street leverages its network to help promising companies grow internationally.

“Our aim is to build innovation by connecting the dots and giving companies introductions and up-front exposure that they would normally not have,” explained Warrick Cramer, CEO, Tomorrow Street. “In today’s digital world the human connection has never been more important, and Tomorrow Street will provide those human connections.”

The excitement generated by the event — from the attendance list, which included Luxembourg’s Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, to the lively afterparty — was a reminder that innovation is king in this small country.


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Gust MEES's insight:

New public-private innovation center opens its doors in Luxembourg

Recognizing a lack of support for late-stage startups that have completed Series A funding, Tomorrow Street leverages its network to help promising companies grow internationally.

“Our aim is to build innovation by connecting the dots and giving companies introductions and up-front exposure that they would normally not have,” explained Warrick Cramer, CEO, Tomorrow Street. “In today’s digital world the human connection has never been more important, and Tomorrow Street will provide those human connections.”

The excitement generated by the event — from the attendance list, which included Luxembourg’s Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, to the lively afterparty — was a reminder that innovation is king in this small country.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 12, 2017 12:31 PM!

Eine neue Stätte für junge Technologieunternehmen | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #Europe 

Eine neue Stätte für junge Technologieunternehmen | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |
LUXEMBURG - Das Pixel-Gebäude, Sitz von Vodafone auf dem Kirchberg, wird Zuwachs bekommen: Firmen, die keine Start-Ups mehr sind, siedeln sich dort an.


Es war ganz schön viel los bei der Vorstellung des Innovationszentrum Tomorrow Street am Dienstag. Premierminister Xavier Bettel und der stellvertretende Premierminister Etienne Scheider waren zur Eröffnung mit von der Partie. Mit Tomorrow Street wollen Vodafone und der Luxemburgische Staat den Technoport-Unternehmen eine Chance geben, die nicht mehr jung genug sind um als Start-Ups zu gelten, aber auch noch nicht reif genug sind, um sich auf internationaler Ebene durchzusetzen. Dies alles passiert in einem High-Tech Umfeld.


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Gust MEES's insight:
LUXEMBURG - Das Pixel-Gebäude, Sitz von Vodafone auf dem Kirchberg, wird Zuwachs bekommen: Firmen, die keine Start-Ups mehr sind, siedeln sich dort an.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 12, 2017 12:36 PM!

Aider les jeunes sociétés à passer un nouveau cap | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #Europe

Aider les jeunes sociétés à passer un nouveau cap | #Luxembourg #StartUPs #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
LUXEMBOURG - Le bâtiment Pixel au Kirchberg accueillera bientôt de nouvelles sociétés. Plus vraiment des start-up mais pas encore des entreprises mûres.


Grâce à son étage réservé dans le bâtiment Pixel au Kirchberg, Tomorrow Street pourra accueillir jusqu'à 16 entreprises. «Mais uniquement pour une durée limitée d'une à deux années. Ensuite, elles devront se trouver leur propre environnement de travail tout en restant en contact avec Vodafone Procurement ici au Luxembourg et son réseau», expliquait, mardi, l'un des directeurs de Tomorrow Street, Frédéric Richter.


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Gust MEES's insight:
LUXEMBOURG - Le bâtiment Pixel au Kirchberg accueillera bientôt de nouvelles sociétés. Plus vraiment des start-up mais pas encore des entreprises mûres.


Grâce à son étage réservé dans le bâtiment Pixel au Kirchberg, Tomorrow Street pourra accueillir jusqu'à 16 entreprises. «Mais uniquement pour une durée limitée d'une à deux années. Ensuite, elles devront se trouver leur propre environnement de travail tout en restant en contact avec Vodafone Procurement ici au Luxembourg et son réseau», expliquait, mardi, l'un des directeurs de Tomorrow Street, Frédéric Richter.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 28, 2017 5:37 AM!

Tomorrow Street: PM Xavier Bettel presents new tech initiative | #Luxembourg #Startups #Europe

Tomorrow Street: PM Xavier Bettel presents new tech initiative | #Luxembourg #Startups #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |

PM Xavier Bettel presents new initiative aimed at giving young tech companies the opportunity to expand their international network via Vodafone.


Ninian Wilson, General Manager of Vodafone, said in December, " The innovation centre creates a unique platform to help small companies go global. The environment in Luxembourg is ideally suited to supporting such activities in the ICT space."


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Gust MEES's insight:

PM Xavier Bettel presents new initiative aimed at giving young tech companies the opportunity to expand their international network via Vodafone.


Ninian Wilson, General Manager of Vodafone, said in December, " The innovation centre creates a unique platform to help small companies go global. The environment in Luxembourg is ideally suited to supporting such activities in the ICT space."


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