Luxembourg (Europe)
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Luxembourg (Europe)
Luxembourg in a nutshell. Everything interesting related to Luxembourg in French, English, German and Luxembourgish. We Luxembourgers are multilingual ;-)
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 22, 2017 7:30 AM!

Trade mission: Luxembourg's space race heads to Middle East

Trade mission: Luxembourg's space race heads to Middle East | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Luxembourg's race to conquer the stars took a surprising pit stop this month: in the Middle East.

The space industry has been booming in Luxembourg, supported by the government as one of its "priorities" to diversify the economy.

It passed a law earlier this year providing an official framework for private investors and operators to explore and use space resources – the first of its kind in Europe.

Space exploration was firmly on the government's agenda on the official trade trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman on 9-13 October, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Étienne Schneider, alongside the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg, Guillaume and Stephanie.

During the trip, a Memorandum of Understanding to start bilateral cooperation on space activities was signed by the UAE Space Agency and, with a particular focus on exploration and the utilisation of space resources.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Luxembourg's race to conquer the stars took a surprising pit stop this month: in the Middle East.

The space industry has been booming in Luxembourg, supported by the government as one of its "priorities" to diversify the economy.

It passed a law earlier this year providing an official framework for private investors and operators to explore and use space resources – the first of its kind in Europe.

Space exploration was firmly on the government's agenda on the official trade trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman on 9-13 October, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Étienne Schneider, alongside the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg, Guillaume and Stephanie.

During the trip, a Memorandum of Understanding to start bilateral cooperation on space activities was signed by the UAE Space Agency and, with a particular focus on exploration and the utilisation of space resources.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 12, 2017 12:56 PM!

RAK Porcelain €7.5m Investment Project Announced During Trade Mission to UAE | #Luxembourg #Economy #Europe

RAK Porcelain €7.5m Investment Project Announced During Trade Mission to UAE | #Luxembourg #Economy #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Since 2006, RAK Porcelain Europe SA has been based in Windhof, Luxembourg, where it operates a logistics platform to serve its customers in many countries in Europe. Employing 60 people, the site also hosts the European headquarters and the RAK Porcelain showroom.

During the visit of the official delegation to Ras al-Kaimah on 12 October 2017, a logistics investment project in Luxembourg was announced. As the storage area on the current site in Windhof is at its maximum capacity, the project involves the construction of a "multifunctional" building in the "Krakelshaff" zone in Bettembourg with a surface area of ​​5,500 m2 for one new distribution centre, offices and the showroom of the European headquarters.

RAK Porcelain's new European distribution centre will enable the company to consolidate all its logistics activities under one roof, such as the receipt of 11 million finished porcelain products shipped annually from the Ras al-Kaimah plant to Luxembourg. RAK Porcelain Europe CEO Claude Peiffer said: "The logistics investment project confirms and strengthens RAK Porcelain's strategic position in Luxembourg as part of its activities and development in Europe. The cost of the investment is estimated at €7.5 million. The project will eventually create an additional 12 jobs."

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Étienne Schneider said: "The international development of RAK Porcelaine from Luxembourg confirms the strengths of the Grand Duchy as a major logistical platform located at the centre of Europe with advanced infrastructure and competitive qualities across all modes of transport."


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Gust MEES's insight:
Since 2006, RAK Porcelain Europe SA has been based in Windhof, Luxembourg, where it operates a logistics platform to serve its customers in many countries in Europe. Employing 60 people, the site also hosts the European headquarters and the RAK Porcelain showroom.

During the visit of the official delegation to Ras al-Kaimah on 12 October 2017, a logistics investment project in Luxembourg was announced. As the storage area on the current site in Windhof is at its maximum capacity, the project involves the construction of a "multifunctional" building in the "Krakelshaff" zone in Bettembourg with a surface area of ​​5,500 m2 for one new distribution centre, offices and the showroom of the European headquarters.

RAK Porcelain's new European distribution centre will enable the company to consolidate all its logistics activities under one roof, such as the receipt of 11 million finished porcelain products shipped annually from the Ras al-Kaimah plant to Luxembourg. RAK Porcelain Europe CEO Claude Peiffer said: "The logistics investment project confirms and strengthens RAK Porcelain's strategic position in Luxembourg as part of its activities and development in Europe. The cost of the investment is estimated at €7.5 million. The project will eventually create an additional 12 jobs."

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Étienne Schneider said: "The international development of RAK Porcelaine from Luxembourg confirms the strengths of the Grand Duchy as a major logistical platform located at the centre of Europe with advanced infrastructure and competitive qualities across all modes of transport."


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 12, 2017 2:33 PM!

Der Partner am Golf | #Luxembourg #Economy

Der Partner am Golf | #Luxembourg #Economy | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Das Eingangstor in die Golfregion

Das Interesse der luxemburgischen Wirtschaft an den VAE kann man an auch an der Zahl der “Businessleute” feststellen, die dem erbgroßherzoglichen Paar nach Dubai folgten. “Die Emirate sind das Eingangstor für luxemburgische Firmen in die Golfregion”, sagte der Minister. Er glaubt, dass der Durchbruch nun geschafft sei.

Doch der Handel geht nicht nur in eine Richtung. Genauso wie die VAE für die Luxemburger das Eingangstor in die Golfregion ist, ist Luxemburg für Unternehmen aus den VAE das Eingangstor nach Europa. So ist z.B. die “Abu Dhabi Investment Authority” (ADIA), laut Minister Schneider der zweitgrößte Staatsfonds der Welt, an den Projekten “Royal Hamilius” und “Place d´étoile” beteiligt.

Partner für gemeinsame Ziele

In Zukunft könnten noch mehr Geschäfte zu Stande kommen. “Als ich heute früh auf den Wirtschaftsminister traf, teilte er mir mit, dass er entschieden habe Anfang des kommenden Jahres eine Wirtschaftsmission nach Luxemburg zu organisieren”, so Etienne Schneider. “Das zeigt, dass das Interesse in das Großherzogtum zu kommen sehr groß ist.”


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Gust MEES's insight:
Das Eingangstor in die Golfregion

Das Interesse der luxemburgischen Wirtschaft an den VAE kann man an auch an der Zahl der “Businessleute” feststellen, die dem erbgroßherzoglichen Paar nach Dubai folgten. “Die Emirate sind das Eingangstor für luxemburgische Firmen in die Golfregion”, sagte der Minister. Er glaubt, dass der Durchbruch nun geschafft sei.

Doch der Handel geht nicht nur in eine Richtung. Genauso wie die VAE für die Luxemburger das Eingangstor in die Golfregion ist, ist Luxemburg für Unternehmen aus den VAE das Eingangstor nach Europa. So ist z.B. die “Abu Dhabi Investment Authority” (ADIA), laut Minister Schneider der zweitgrößte Staatsfonds der Welt, an den Projekten “Royal Hamilius” und “Place d´étoile” beteiligt.

Partner für gemeinsame Ziele

In Zukunft könnten noch mehr Geschäfte zu Stande kommen. “Als ich heute früh auf den Wirtschaftsminister traf, teilte er mir mit, dass er entschieden habe Anfang des kommenden Jahres eine Wirtschaftsmission nach Luxemburg zu organisieren”, so Etienne Schneider. “Das zeigt, dass das Interesse in das Großherzogtum zu kommen sehr groß ist.”


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