Luxembourg (Europe)
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Luxembourg (Europe)
Luxembourg in a nutshell. Everything interesting related to Luxembourg in French, English, German and Luxembourgish. We Luxembourgers are multilingual ;-)
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 28, 2017 10:44 AM!

Une promotion économique «durable» | #Luxembourg #Economy #Europe

Une promotion économique «durable» | #Luxembourg #Economy #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Le ministre de l’Économie, Étienne Schneider, entouré des représentants du patronat, membres du «Trade and Investment Board», dévoilait ce mardi les cinq principaux objectifs de la promotion de l’économie luxembourgeoise à l’étranger, résultant de la fusion de «Luxinnovation» et «Luxembourg for Business».

Faciliter aux entreprises luxembourgeoises l’accès aux marchés internationaux, y compris dans l’espace Benelux;
Attirer des investissements directs étrangers de manière ciblée et orientée vers le secteur des services; Renforcer le réseau international de promotion économique; Construire une image de marque forte du Luxembourg en tant que «smart location» pour des compagnies et industries de haute performance;
Assurer la cohérence et la pertinence des actions de promotion économique.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Le ministre de l’Économie, Étienne Schneider, entouré des représentants du patronat, membres du «Trade and Investment Board», dévoilait ce mardi les cinq principaux objectifs de la promotion de l’économie luxembourgeoise à l’étranger, résultant de la fusion de «Luxinnovation» et «Luxembourg for Business».

Faciliter aux entreprises luxembourgeoises l’accès aux marchés internationaux, y compris dans l’espace Benelux;
Attirer des investissements directs étrangers de manière ciblée et orientée vers le secteur des services; Renforcer le réseau international de promotion économique; Construire une image de marque forte du Luxembourg en tant que «smart location» pour des compagnies et industries de haute performance;
Assurer la cohérence et la pertinence des actions de promotion économique.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 23, 2015 12:23 PM!

Why Luxembourg in Europe? | Visit Luxembourg

Why Luxembourg in Europe? | Visit Luxembourg | Luxembourg (Europe) |

One of the world’s smallest countries, and one of its wealthiest. An ultra-modern global financial capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The world’s only Grand Duchy and an international paragon of political stability and personal safety.

Graced by stunning, modern architecture literally a stone’s throw from medieval castles and graceful ruins, Luxembourg’s reputation as a fairy-tale land is rooted in more than 1,000 years of history – yet its 21st-century quality of life is legendary and well-deserved, as recognised in its position at or near the top of the Better Life Index (OECD), the Best Quality of Life Worldwide Survey (ECA), the Global Innovation Survey (Insead), and the Global Competitiveness Index (IMD), among others.

Luxembourg leads in virtually every aspect of contemporary life. Healthcare? Affordable and high quality. Transportation? A soaring, world-class airport with easy connections throughout Europe and the world, a well-developed rail system, an urban bus system and bike paths that enable you to leave your car at home, and an upcoming tram in the capital.

In a country whose inhabitants work hard on a global scale, there’s plenty of local play. From the rocky outcrops of “Little Switzerland” and rolling Moselle valley vineyards, with hundreds of trails for hiking and biking, to first-class gyms, sports facilities and children’s parks - staying fit and enjoying the outdoors is a popular pastime for all seasons.

There is also a range of sporting activities on offer, including six golf courses in the country and a further 90 or so within easy reach. Cross-country skiing is everywhere while world-class downhill skiing in the Alps is within a reasonable drive.

Sharing its borders with France, Germany and Belgium, weekend (and longer) tourism is a constant temptation (not to mention easy and fast access to all of Europe for holiday getaways). Reverse tourism is well developed in a country with a wide array of quality hotels for tourists as well as business visitors.

So whether you are coming to Luxembourg for a weekend, a year or a lifetime, you will fall under its spell.

Gust MEES's insight:

One of the world’s smallest countries, and one of its wealthiest. An ultra-modern global financial capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The world’s only Grand Duchy and an international paragon of political stability and personal safety.

Graced by stunning, modern architecture literally a stone’s throw from medieval castles and graceful ruins, Luxembourg’s reputation as a fairy-tale land is rooted in more than 1,000 years of history – yet its 21st-century quality of life is legendary and well-deserved, as recognised in its position at or near the top of the Better Life Index (OECD), the Best Quality of Life Worldwide Survey (ECA), the Global Innovation Survey (Insead), and the Global Competitiveness Index (IMD), among others.

Luxembourg leads in virtually every aspect of contemporary life. Healthcare? Affordable and high quality. Transportation? A soaring, world-class airport with easy connections throughout Europe and the world, a well-developed rail system, an urban bus system and bike paths that enable you to leave your car at home, and an upcoming tram in the capital.

In a country whose inhabitants work hard on a global scale, there’s plenty of local play. From the rocky outcrops of “Little Switzerland” and rolling Moselle valley vineyards, with hundreds of trails for hiking and biking, to first-class gyms, sports facilities and children’s parks - staying fit and enjoying the outdoors is a popular pastime for all seasons.

There is also a range of sporting activities on offer, including six golf courses in the country and a further 90 or so within easy reach. Cross-country skiing is everywhere while world-class downhill skiing in the Alps is within a reasonable drive.

Sharing its borders with France, Germany and Belgium, weekend (and longer) tourism is a constant temptation (not to mention easy and fast access to all of Europe for holiday getaways). Reverse tourism is well developed in a country with a wide array of quality hotels for tourists as well as business visitors.

So whether you are coming to Luxembourg for a weekend, a year or a lifetime, you will fall under its spell.

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