Luxembourg (Europe)
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Luxembourg (Europe)
Luxembourg in a nutshell. Everything interesting related to Luxembourg in French, English, German and Luxembourgish. We Luxembourgers are multilingual ;-)
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 14, 2019 6:10 PM!

LYRC 2020 | Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge | #STEM #Coding #Europe 

LYRC 2020 | Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge | #STEM #Coding #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |
LYRC challenge 2020 Last year, over 50 competitors took the challenge and participated in the first edition of the Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge. The resulting team Luxembourg participated in…


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Gust MEES's insight:
LYRC challenge 2020 Last year, over 50 competitors took the challenge and participated in the first edition of the Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge. The resulting team Luxembourg participated in…


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 28, 2019 7:31 AM!

FIRST Global Luxembourg | Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge | #Europe

FIRST Global Luxembourg | Luxembourg Youth Robotics Challenge | #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |

We're looking for you!

Starting on February 19, make it will look for a FIRST Global Team Luxembourg to compete in the FIRST Global Robotics Challenge in summer 2019. 

We are looking for young talents aged between 14 and 18 years, who are ready to work as a team together with a mentor (preferably with 5 years+ job experience in science/tech). Your team can hold between 2 and up to 6 members plus one mentor. The challenge is to build a robot from a furnished kit and have it perform a certain task/challenge (to be announced after teams are registered).
There’s no need to have any pre-skills, only interest in tech and problem solving should be present.


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Gust MEES's insight:

We're looking for you!

Starting on February 19, make it will look for a FIRST Global Team Luxembourg to compete in the FIRST Global Robotics Challenge in summer 2019. 

We are looking for young talents aged between 14 and 18 years, who are ready to work as a team together with a mentor (preferably with 5 years+ job experience in science/tech). Your team can hold between 2 and up to 6 members plus one mentor. The challenge is to build a robot from a furnished kit and have it perform a certain task/challenge (to be announced after teams are registered).
There’s no need to have any pre-skills, only interest in tech and problem solving should be present.


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