Luxembourg (Europe)
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Luxembourg (Europe)
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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 15, 2020 11:56 AM!

Digitalisierung: Luxemburg unerwartet auf Spitzenposition

Digitalisierung: Luxemburg unerwartet auf Spitzenposition | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Laut "Digital Readiness Index" von Cisco gehört Luxemburg zur Spitzengruppe, wenn es um die Voraussetzungen für den digitalen Wandel geht.

Viele Luxemburger sehen den Fortschritt in Sachen Digitalisierung hierzulande kritisch. Eine Studie bescheinigt Luxemburg dagegen eine Spitzenposition. Das Großherzogtum erreicht im internationalen "Digital Readiness Index" des Netzwerkanbieters Cisco unter 141 Ländern Platz zwei - nur Singapur erzielt höhere Werte. Auf Luxemburg folgen die USA, Dänemark, die Schweiz, die Niederlande, Schweden und Südkorea. 

Entscheidend ist hier die Frage, was man genau unter Digitalisierung versteht. Cisco bewertet dabei die sogenannte "Digital Readiness". Damit soll abgebildet werden, wie gut ein Land auf die digitale Zukunft vorbereitet ist und inwiefern es wirtschaftlich von der Digitalisierung profitieren kann. 


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Gust MEES's insight:

Laut "Digital Readiness Index" von Cisco gehört Luxemburg zur Spitzengruppe, wenn es um die Voraussetzungen für den digitalen Wandel geht.

Viele Luxemburger sehen den Fortschritt in Sachen Digitalisierung hierzulande kritisch. Eine Studie bescheinigt Luxemburg dagegen eine Spitzenposition. Das Großherzogtum erreicht im internationalen "Digital Readiness Index" des Netzwerkanbieters Cisco unter 141 Ländern Platz zwei - nur Singapur erzielt höhere Werte. Auf Luxemburg folgen die USA, Dänemark, die Schweiz, die Niederlande, Schweden und Südkorea. 

Entscheidend ist hier die Frage, was man genau unter Digitalisierung versteht. Cisco bewertet dabei die sogenannte "Digital Readiness". Damit soll abgebildet werden, wie gut ein Land auf die digitale Zukunft vorbereitet ist und inwiefern es wirtschaftlich von der Digitalisierung profitieren kann. 


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 23, 2018 3:16 PM!

Cisco veut accélérer le «Digital Lëtzebuerg» | #Luxembourg #Europe #ICT #DigitalLuxembourg

Cisco veut accélérer le «Digital Lëtzebuerg» | #Luxembourg #Europe #ICT #DigitalLuxembourg | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Le groupe ICT et le Premier ministre annoncent à Davos un accord important dans le processus de numérisation du pays. Le Luxembourg rejoint le cercle des 16 autres pays dans lesquels Cisco s’est déjà associée aux pouvoirs publics.

Au Forum économique mondial, qui a pour objet cette année la définition de nouveaux rapports économiques dans la mouvance de la «shared economy», Cisco et le gouvernement luxembourgeois viennent d’annoncer un accord qui pourrait faire date.

Les deux parties viennent en effet de s’accorder par un protocole d’entente sur une collaboration dans le cadre de la numérisation du pays, en prolongement de l’initiative «Digital Lëtzebuerg».

Concrètement, Cisco va investir des moyens (non précisés à ce stade) dans quatre piliers, qui ont par ailleurs été définis comme prioritaires pour le gouvernement: éducation, cybersécurité, internet des objets et technologie financière.

«Nous sommes heureux de nous associer à Cisco afin de développer davantage l’innovation numérique et la compétitivité de notre pays, qui vont de pair avec la création de nouveaux emplois et la sécurisation des emplois existants», déclare le Premier ministre Xavier Bettel dans un communiqué de presse. «En modernisant notre système éducatif, nous allons encourager les citoyens à participer activement à l’économie numérique.»


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Gust MEES's insight:
Le groupe ICT et le Premier ministre annoncent à Davos un accord important dans le processus de numérisation du pays. Le Luxembourg rejoint le cercle des 16 autres pays dans lesquels Cisco s’est déjà associée aux pouvoirs publics.

Au Forum économique mondial, qui a pour objet cette année la définition de nouveaux rapports économiques dans la mouvance de la «shared economy», Cisco et le gouvernement luxembourgeois viennent d’annoncer un accord qui pourrait faire date.

Les deux parties viennent en effet de s’accorder par un protocole d’entente sur une collaboration dans le cadre de la numérisation du pays, en prolongement de l’initiative «Digital Lëtzebuerg».

Concrètement, Cisco va investir des moyens (non précisés à ce stade) dans quatre piliers, qui ont par ailleurs été définis comme prioritaires pour le gouvernement: éducation, cybersécurité, internet des objets et technologie financière.

«Nous sommes heureux de nous associer à Cisco afin de développer davantage l’innovation numérique et la compétitivité de notre pays, qui vont de pair avec la création de nouveaux emplois et la sécurisation des emplois existants», déclare le Premier ministre Xavier Bettel dans un communiqué de presse. «En modernisant notre système éducatif, nous allons encourager les citoyens à participer activement à l’économie numérique.»


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 23, 2018 5:59 PM!

Xavier Bettel Signs MoU with Cisco CEO to Accelerate Digitisation of Luxembourg | #DigitalLuxembourg #Europe

Xavier Bettel Signs MoU with Cisco CEO to Accelerate Digitisation of Luxembourg | #DigitalLuxembourg #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Prior to his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, in his capacity as Minister of Culture, participated in a conference of Ministers of Culture from 20 to 22 January 2018; the purpose of the adopted declaration is to promote the ideas and principles of building quality culture.

Prime Minister Bettel then visited the World Economic Forum in Davos from 23 to 25 January 2018. This year, the theme of the forum was "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World". The forum allowed the Luxembourg Prime Minister to meet decision makers from the economic, political and social world in order to promote the economic attractiveness of Luxembourg.

A series of bilateral meetings and informal meetings were held with business leaders, representatives of civil society and policy makers. These discussions also made it possible to discuss major political and economic issues.

On Monday 22 January, PM Bettel participated in a round table on "blended finance and innovation for better business better world". During this event, he particularly emphasised the need for governments to find global solutions to global problems by relying more on partnerships between the public and the private sector.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Prior to his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, in his capacity as Minister of Culture, participated in a conference of Ministers of Culture from 20 to 22 January 2018; the purpose of the adopted declaration is to promote the ideas and principles of building quality culture.

Prime Minister Bettel then visited the World Economic Forum in Davos from 23 to 25 January 2018. This year, the theme of the forum was "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World". The forum allowed the Luxembourg Prime Minister to meet decision makers from the economic, political and social world in order to promote the economic attractiveness of Luxembourg.

A series of bilateral meetings and informal meetings were held with business leaders, representatives of civil society and policy makers. These discussions also made it possible to discuss major political and economic issues.

On Monday 22 January, PM Bettel participated in a round table on "blended finance and innovation for better business better world". During this event, he particularly emphasised the need for governments to find global solutions to global problems by relying more on partnerships between the public and the private sector.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 23, 2017 10:23 AM!

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel Visits US West Coast on Business Trip

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel Visits US West Coast on Business Trip | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Following his trip to New York as part of the UN General Assembly, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel continued his trip to the United States on the West Coast.

The Luxembourg Minister of State and Minister of Media and Telecommunications visited innovative companies which are active in the field of new technologies in San Francisco and met with several of their leaders.

In particular, Bettel had the opportunity to visit the AmazonLab126, which works in the research and innovation sector. During the interview with managers, they presented the latest developments of Amazon in Luxembourg. It was confirmed that the company with approximately 2,000 employees in the Grand Duchy will continue its development plan and the current target is to hire 350 additional staff.

Moreover, during a meeting with Cisco, the decision was made to set up a public-private partnership between Luxembourg and the company in the field of finance, security and education. On this last point, close co-operation with the University of Luxembourg will be foreseen.

The Prime Minister also visited Googleplex and in a meeting with Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the company presented its current and future projects and activities, before Bettel then went to Los Angeles, where he will have an interview with officials of Space X and Boeing.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Following his trip to New York as part of the UN General Assembly, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel continued his trip to the United States on the West Coast.

The Luxembourg Minister of State and Minister of Media and Telecommunications visited innovative companies which are active in the field of new technologies in San Francisco and met with several of their leaders.

In particular, Bettel had the opportunity to visit the AmazonLab126, which works in the research and innovation sector. During the interview with managers, they presented the latest developments of Amazon in Luxembourg. It was confirmed that the company with approximately 2,000 employees in the Grand Duchy will continue its development plan and the current target is to hire 350 additional staff.

Moreover, during a meeting with Cisco, the decision was made to set up a public-private partnership between Luxembourg and the company in the field of finance, security and education. On this last point, close co-operation with the University of Luxembourg will be foreseen.

The Prime Minister also visited Googleplex and in a meeting with Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the company presented its current and future projects and activities, before Bettel then went to Los Angeles, where he will have an interview with officials of Space X and Boeing.


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