Economy Minister: Luxembourg Space Agency expected to take off in future | #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Published on Saturday, 10 September, 2016 at 16:59
(TL/JB) Luxembourg is to get its own space agency, the economy minister announced Saturday at an event to exchange ideas between the European Space Agency and Luxembourg citizens.

Ettienne Schneider was speaking in front of 100 Luxembourg residents who had responded to the ESA's appeal and attended the discussion at Tramschapp, in Limptertsberg.

“The idea of a national space agency is an idea that I have had for some time. For now, we do not have the personnel. But this kind of structure is an idea I would expected to announce in the future,” he said, responding to a question from a Portuguese resdient.

The Minister outlined the government's space strategy for the country, namely its recently announced act on the rights for harvesting precious metals from asteroids. The Resources Act is to be presented in October and, if passed, should come into effect in 2017.


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