Opening Gala Dinner took place the Italian Cuisine Worldwide Awards – The Italian Cuisine World Summit | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

Yesterday at the Opening Gala Dinner took place the Italian Cuisine Worldwide Awards by Italian Cuisine World Summit2016 and sponsored by Grana Padano. Have been awarded for the outstanding contribution to the introduction, diffusion and preservation of the Italian food and wine culture in global context:




«Food distributor and educator. He has spent his life combining business and passion, passion for Italian quality products and cuisine.In the last 20 years he has been a true ambassador and educator ofthe Italian and Sicilian gastronomic culture, a commitment that has involved also human values, solidarity, friendship, love for the family.Many times he lost business for his passion, to promote authenticity and tradition.»

Fabio Cappelllano receives the award from Liborio Stellino, Italian Ambassador in the UAE, in the presence of Cesare Baldrighi, President of Grana Padano PDO Consortium