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Information Technology & Social Media News
Mobile Marketing and Technology are my passions.... those are the ones I can confess ;-)
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Curation Revolution
December 16, 2013 2:43 AM!

5 Secret & Highly Disruptive Internet Marketing Tactics For 2014 via ScentTrail Marketing

5 Secret & Highly Disruptive Internet Marketing Tactics For 2014 via ScentTrail Marketing | Information Technology & Social Media News |

5 Internet Marketing Secrets
Some of these 2014 "secrets" such as ecommerce and social media may not feel very secret, but there is still plenty of "blue ocean" in them still. Ecommerce creates great content marketing support for less and less effort (to create the story) so every website should have a store now even if all they sell is their logo merchandise.

Social media is ubiquitous but not embraced. Our recent Ecommies Study of social media for top online retailers ( ) proved many have social media accounts but few are "social businesses".

5 Secrets Blog Post on ScentTrail Marketing

5 Secrets Haiku Deck

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Ken Morrison's comment, December 16, 2013 3:23 AM
Good luck on your 5th Business
malek's curator insight, December 16, 2013 10:09 AM

Interesting is the notion of crowdfunding as a new marketing channel

Scooped by Jesús Hernández
April 22, 2013 2:34 PM!

Go Mobile or Go Home: The Rise of the Mobile First World

Go Mobile or Go Home: The Rise of the Mobile First World | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Great article any Internt marketer must WALK and TALK. Mobile isn't about the phone, but it is about and the mobile first movement does change everything else. 

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