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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
April 5, 2012 10:41 AM!

Influence: What Are Tools Like Klout Really Measuring?

Influence: What Are Tools Like Klout Really Measuring? | Information Technology & Social Media News |

A very interesting comparison of several measurement tools and what they really measure. [note mg]


For marketers, PR professionals and customer service teams, personal influence measurement tools can save time and help facilitate business decisions. Tools such as Klout, PeerIndex, Kred and TweetLevel are being used by brands to rank the relative importance of customers and prospects, prioritize customer service responses, and identify groups of influencers to target with perks and product sampling promotions.


But what are these personal influence measurement tools really measuring? Are they really an effective way to understand which of your customers are more influential?


It is easy to understand influence as a concept; if you can get other people to do something, you have influence. But it’s not at all easy to define how you would measure influence. As Nathan Gilliatt has pointed out, there is no such thing as a “unit of influence” – an observable, measurable event that reflects influence.


Read more:

Via Martin Gysler
Stephen Dale's curator insight, April 14, 2014 11:56 AM

Social reputation and social influence are becoming as important (if not more important) than your paper-based CV and your real-world network. But can they be empirically measured, and if so, what does your score actually mean? This article gives an overview of some of the products/services that purport to give you an influence score. Whether you take it seriously is entirely up to you!

Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more
January 23, 2012 4:22 AM!

24 SEO Experts Discuss Links vs. Tweets

24 SEO Experts Discuss Links vs. Tweets | Information Technology & Social Media News |

SEO is the magic word that is often the difference between a business that is concluded or who is lost to another company that is better positioned in search tools like Google, Yahoo, and so on.


Check out what the top SEO Experts in the industry think about links as opposed to tweets! This is also a great list of the top SEO Experts.


The top SEO experts give us their views on these three issues:


Question #1: Because of the way people share content today, do you think the impact on rankings links have will start to decrease?


Question #2: Do you think tweets and other social shares will ever have the kind of impact on rankings that links have today?


Question #3: Would you rather have a link to a blog post from an authoritative blog, or would you rather have the post tweeted by a highly authoritative figure?

Via Martin Gysler
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