JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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S-exps in your browser

S-exps in your browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |


* The front end of the pool
Enter ClojureScript
Exit Om
ClojureScript: the bad
Mori + Sweet.js = Ki
JavaScript loaders
Source map support
Macro support and speed
Sprockets dependencies
Shameless plug

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Easier Angular Directives with SweetJS

Easier Angular Directives with SweetJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I am playing with domain specific languages and macros for some time. The (almost) new kid on the block in the Javascript world is Mozilla’s SweetJS. SweetJS allows you to create language extensions to ‘sweeten up’ your Javascript, so I thought: wouldn’t be fantastic create a clean, trivial syntax for defining my Angularjs directives for use in my projects?

Sweet Angle is the result of this challenge. It is based on macro expansion and covers the majority of the cases in which you may need a directive.

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Compiling JSX with Sweet.js using Readtables

Compiling JSX with Sweet.js using Readtables | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JSX is a Facebook project that embeds an XML-like language in JavaScript, and is typically used with React. Many people love it and find it highly useful. Unfortunately it requires its own compiler and doesn't mix with other language extensions. I have implemented a JSX "compiler"with sweet.js macros, so you can use it alongside any other language extensions implemented as macros.

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Stop Writing JavaScript Compilers! Make Macros Instead

Stop Writing JavaScript Compilers! Make Macros Instead | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This post is not a tutorial on JavaScript macros. This post intends to explain how they could radically improve JavaScript's evolution. But I think I need to provide a little meat first for people who have never seen macros before.

Macros for languages that have a lot of special syntax take advantage of pattern matching. The idea is that you define a macro with a name and a list of patterns. Whenever that name is invoked, at compile-time the code is matched and expanded.

Jan Hesse's insight:

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