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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Ignite 2.0 Has Landed.

Ignite 2.0 Has Landed. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Spin up a new React Native app in seconds

Creating a new React Native app is now effortless with Ignite CLI's default boilerplate. Not only does it install in a matter of seconds, but it also comes with the best practices built-in and ready to go.

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React Native: Building Fluid User Experiences

React Native's architecture has opened up many possibilities for re-inventing the clunkier aspects of UX construction on traditional platforms, making it easier and faster to build world-class experiences. This talk will walk through building an advanced gestural UI leveraging the unique power of the React Native layout and animation systems to build a complex and fluid experience.

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React Native Playground: Share and test your React Native code in the browser

React Native Playground: Share and test your React Native code in the browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

For testing and sharing your React Native apps and snippets,
from the comfort of your browser.

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Putting React in your React Native Webview So You Can React While You React

Putting React in your React Native Webview So You Can React While You React | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

It allows you to write your app in React's Component structure, but instead of rendering DOM elements, it renders iOS (and eventually Android) native elements. Instead of <div>'s and <span>'s, you're writing <View> and <Text> elements. 

This article is about using DOM based React components within a React Native app. It's kind of a funky idea, but it's not all that hard to pull off. So, I hope it helps generate some new ideas.

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React Native Fundamentals - Video Tutorial Series

React Native Fundamentals - Video Tutorial Series | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Regardless of your experience with React, or even with iOS development, my hope is that this series will be beneficial to everyone who is starting out with React Native. We'll jump straight into developing with React Native by looking first at the ecosystem of building React Native apps - including Xcode, the iPhone simulator, live reload, debugging, and more. Once we get our ecosystem set up and our hello world example running, we'll jump straight into building a fully functioning iPhone app which utilizes many of the best parts of developing with React Native all while covering React.js and ES6 fundamentals along the way.

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Retrospective on Developing an application with React Native

Retrospective on Developing an application with React Native | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Mobile development is a complex business, with multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows) and many more frameworks (Titanium, Xamarin, and a bucketload of HTML5!). I am firmly of the opinion that there is no silver-bullet, no one framework that is right for everyone. For that reason, this article is split into two sections, the first discussed the pros and cons of React Native, and the second discussing how it affects the various communities (e.g. native iOS devs, Xamarin devs etc …)

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Introducing React Native: Building Apps with JavaScript

Introducing React Native: Building Apps with JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
React Native by Facebook is an open-source framework allowing you to build fully native iOS and Android apps in JavaScript. Learn how in this tutorial.

If you have only ever written applications in Objective-C or Swift, you might not be particularly excited about the prospect of using JavaScript instead. Although, as a Swift developer, the second point above should pique your interest!

Through Swift, you’ve no doubt been learning new and more functional ways to encode algorithms, and techniques that encourage transformation and immutability. However, the way in which you construct your UI is very much the same as it was when developing with Objective-C: it’s still UIKit-based and imperative.

Through intriguing concepts such as a virtual DOM and reconciliation, React brings functional programming directly to the UI layer.

This tutorial takes you through the process of building an application for searching UK property listings.

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A library for building cross-platform apps - ReactXP

A library for building cross-platform apps - ReactXP | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

With React and React Native, your web app can share most of its logic with your iOS and Android apps, but the view layer needs to be implemented separately for each platform. We have taken this a step further and developed a thin cross-platform layer we call ReactXP. If you write your app to this abstraction, you can share your view definitions, styles and animations across multiple target platforms. Of course, you can still provide platform-specific UI variants, but this can be done selectively where desired.

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Building Plugins for React Apps

Building Plugins for React Apps | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
We are building a new email app using React, Flux, and Electron with a primary goal of extensibility. Over the past few months, we've designed a new way to structure large React applications in order to reliably and safely support plugins. This post is an overview of techniques for building modular, robust & flexible JavaScript applications that scale and support plugins.
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Why React Native is Different

Why React Native is Different | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
  • DOM (and Virtual DOM) is an implementation detail
  • The iOS<->JS Bridge and 60 FPS Interfaces
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Some Thoughts On Gluing React Native and Meteor

I spent some time running through the React Native tutorial and studying the APIs. It’s a great tutorial because it shows you how to get data from a RESTful API and update a React Native view. One thing that seems understated is that you can use NPM packages.

My first reaction was to try an build a app that uses the DDP NPM package to connect it to Meteor. Unfortunately the DDP NPM package didn’t work because there’s not a built in interface for websockets (yet). I ended up using an alternative approach and used the React Native bridge to connect to Objective DDP.

No comment yet.! - A catalog of React components - A catalog of React components | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Components can be found for ReactJS as well as React native

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Use React Native in Existing iOS App

Use React Native in Existing iOS App | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

React Native is a framework enables you to build application experiences on native platforms based on JavaScript and React. What's more exciting is, you can easily embed React Native powered views into your existing iOS Application.

In this tutorial, I will guide you through steps to add React Native to your iOS Application.

Ken Hui's curator insight, April 4, 2015 9:25 AM

It looks interesting. New way for hybird and rich text format.