JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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How to Build an iOS & Android App in 24 hours with HTML5 and Cordova

How to Build an iOS & Android App in 24 hours with HTML5 and Cordova | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

By the 5th of January I had a laptop and a couple of days to spend on some development. Having estimated what I can do here, I decided to create a mobile app that would work faster than the original. For this, I needed to find communicative creators of a popular app.

Hence, I found a “Spender ” app in the App Store. It is a simple app for tracking your budget. With it, you can estimate how effectively you spend your money in the end of each month. By the 5th of January, this app was in Top-10 in the Russian App Store. I also found their dev-story on 

In their dev-story, the developers wrote that after completing their previous project, they had three-four free days. So, they decided to create a new app during this free time. Their Product Manager and programmers helped them with positioning the app and its key features. 

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PhoneJS - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Development Framework

PhoneJS - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Development Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

PhoneJS is a cross-platform HTML5 mobile app development framework that was built to be versatile, flexible and efficient. PhoneJS is a single page application (SPA) framework, with view management and URL routing. Its layout engine allows you to abstract navigation away from views, so the same app can be rendered differently across different platforms or form factors. PhoneJS includes a rich collection of touch-optimized UI widgets with built-in styles for today’s most popular mobile platforms including iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 8.

To better understand the principles of PhoneJS development and how you can create and publish applications in platform stores, let’s take a look at a simple  demo app called TipCalculator. This application calculates tip amounts due based on a restaurant bill.

* PhoneJS Application Layout and Routing
* PhoneJS ViewModel
* PhoneJS Views
* Start, Debug and Build for Stores
* Creating Store Ready Applications Using PhoneJS and PhoneGap

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PropertyCross: WebApp Frameworks compared (with actual code)

PropertyCross: WebApp Frameworks compared (with actual code) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Helping you select a cross-platform mobile framework - Apps using jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Titanium and more

Some of the frameworks deliver a native user interface, whereas others construct a native-like interface using HTML5 technologies. When selecting a framework it is important to test the end-user experience that the framework delivers and ensure you are happy with any compromises.

The code-sharing which can be realistically achieved with each framework varies considerably. To aid in this comparison there is a build script which produces code metrics for guidance. Although, as developers I am sure you are aware that lines-of-code metrics are flawed.

It is also worth investing quite a bit of time familiarising yourself with tools provided by each framework. The cost and quality of these varies considerably.

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PhoneJS - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Development Framework

PhoneJS - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Development Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

PhoneJS is a cross-platform HTML5 mobile app development framework that was built to be versatile, flexible and efficient. PhoneJS is a single page application (SPA) framework, with view management and URL routing. Its layout engine allows you to abstract navigation away from views, so the same app can be rendered differently across different platforms or form factors. PhoneJS includes a rich collection of touch-optimized UI widgets with built-in styles for today’s most popular mobile platforms including iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 8.

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