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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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Google API OAuth with PhoneGap's InAppBrowser

Google API OAuth with PhoneGap's InAppBrowser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Google’s OAuth documentation seems to indicate OAuth 2.0 for installed applications fits the bill for a mobile application.

The idea is to use an embedded web browser to show the OAuth consent page. If the user grants access, we can get the authorization code out of the embedded browser’s title property. We PhoneGap developers have InAppBrowser for embedded browsing, so this should be a piece of cake!

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Awesome-Ionic: A curated list of amazingly awesome Ionic libraries, resources and solutions.

Awesome-Ionic: A curated list of amazingly awesome Ionic libraries, resources and solutions. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Awesome-Ionic - A curated list of amazingly awesome Ionic libraries, resources and solutions.
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The jungle of mobile HTML5 development

The jungle of mobile HTML5 development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Developers are confused in the way of developing an HTML5 mobile app, so I hope this guide will help them.

Before starting to show you the different platforms, frameworks available, let me tell you that I don’t consider Titanium Mobile as an HTML5 solution. Read my previous article to understand why.

There are four known solutions (many new others are created, but are still in an early status) to create HTML5 mobile apps.

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Ionic Restify MongoDB - An End to End Hybrid App

Ionic Restify MongoDB - An End to End Hybrid App | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post, we are going to build an End to End Hybrid App, that has a server component and a client component. Our server will be built on top of Node js, with Restify as the server side framework and MongoDB as the data persistence layer. Our Client is a Hybrid App, built with Ionic framework. We then are going to deploy the Ionic app using PhoneGap Build service to generate a Native installer.

The App we are going to build is a Bucket List app. Here a user can register and login. Then s/he can create a few bucket list items. Which would eventually result in

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The State of Hybrid Mobile Development

The State of Hybrid Mobile Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Hybrid development, or the approach of building native apps using Web technologies, has gone through its fair share of highs and lows. But, despite high-profile abandonments from the likes of Facebook and LinkedIn, hybrid development continues to be used by a substantial number of developers.

 Is hybrid as a platform growing or shrinking? Is performance still a limiting factor for hybrid apps? In this article we’ll attempt to answer those questions. We’ll look at where the hybrid ecosystem is today, and where it’s heading.

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Framework7 - Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps

Framework7 - Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Framework7 - is a free and open source HTML mobile framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS 7 native look and feel. It is also an indispensable prototyping apps tool to show working app prototype as soon as possible in case you need to.

The main approach of the Framework7 is to give you an opportunity to create iOS 7 apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript easily and clear. Framework7 is full of freedom. It doesn't limit your imagination or offer ways of any solutions somehow. Framework7 gives you freedom!

Framework7 is not compatible with all platforms. It is focused only on iOS 7 to bring the best experience and simplicity.

Framework7 is definitely for you if you decide to build iOS 7 hybrid app (PhoneGap) or web app that looks like and feels as great native iOS 7 apps.

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PropertyCross: WebApp Frameworks compared (with actual code)

PropertyCross: WebApp Frameworks compared (with actual code) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Helping you select a cross-platform mobile framework - Apps using jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Titanium and more

Some of the frameworks deliver a native user interface, whereas others construct a native-like interface using HTML5 technologies. When selecting a framework it is important to test the end-user experience that the framework delivers and ensure you are happy with any compromises.

The code-sharing which can be realistically achieved with each framework varies considerably. To aid in this comparison there is a build script which produces code metrics for guidance. Although, as developers I am sure you are aware that lines-of-code metrics are flawed.

It is also worth investing quite a bit of time familiarising yourself with tools provided by each framework. The cost and quality of these varies considerably.

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How to build AngularJS based native mobile application

How to build AngularJS based native mobile application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This tutorial is about how to build Angular powered HTML5 mobile application, wrap it up with PhoneGap and distribute as a native mobile app (on several mobile platforms if you wish so). We have split tutorial into 2 parts, just to make it easier for information to sink in. As always, links to the example source code can be found at the end of the tutorial posts.

What we are going to cover?

First, we will briefly explore what is AngularJS (however, this tutorial is not about learning the basics),  we are going to pick Ratchet as a front end framework for our HTML5 mobile application and create MVC structure. Second tutorial part covers how to make our view transitions animated, how AngularJS communicates with web services  and how to wrap up AngularJS application with PhoneGap. Sounds like we have some ground to cover. Lets get started.

Jan Hesse's insight:!

PhoneGap and AngularJs, Contacts

PhoneGap and AngularJs, Contacts | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Welcome back to the PhoneGap and AngularJS series. In past articles we got your solution setup, dealt with the notification service, displayed some external web content, and next up we are going to search the contacts on your device.

The contacts API in phonegap is fairly extensive and has certain quirks depending on the device you are using so we are going to focus on a few simple actions which include finding, edit, and, creation.

PhoneGap and AngularJs, The Series:
1. The Start
2. Notification Service
3. In App Browser
4. Contacts

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Sample Mobile Application with AngularJS

Sample Mobile Application with AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In recent months, I have been sharing different versions of the Employee Directory sample application built with different technology stacks, different frameworks, and different back-end (REST services) implementations. Recent versions include:

Employee Directory with Backbone.js, RequireJS, and Twitter BootstrapEmployee Directory with Backbone.js, RequireJS, Topcoat and PhoneGap

A number of you have asked for a version of the application built with AngularJS. So here it is.

You can experience the application below...

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AngularJS, Phonegap, and angular-seed. Let's Go!

AngularJS, Phonegap, and angular-seed. Let's Go! | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A guide through how I was able to use the angular-seed and phonegap projects to start myself on the path to my first mobile application.

In my exploratory phase with angular, I had discovered the angular-seed project and angular-phonecat tutorial. I knew angular-seed would start me out with runnable jasmine unit tests, an end-to-end suite, a web-server, and some other niceties. That’s when I got the bright idea that I should just make angular-seed run as a phonegap app! 8 hours later…

If you follow this guide I think you can have angular-seed running in the XCode simulator in less than 30 minutes. Exciting right? I know.

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RAD.js – A Breakthrough Mobile Cross-Platform Framework from MobiDev

RAD.js – A Breakthrough Mobile Cross-Platform Framework from MobiDev | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

RAD.js is a system-level software framework which helps build a single-page cross-platform application that looks and feels as a conventional multi-page one. Now, cross-platform software of high quality can be created faster and easier than before. This framework was created by JS/HTML team of MobiDev, under the guidance of the leading PhoneGap specialist, Yuriy Luchaninov.
RAD.js is not an application-level framework. Any JavaScript object can serve as an application. The framework doesn't require any special environments for creating an object of the application. RAD.js is neither a layout engine nor an MV* framework or a UI framework. There is no reason in creating another UI framework, because in real projects, UI patterns and appearance of applications change. RAD.js is a system-level framework which, among other features, takes over system-level tasks, such as message bus, creating and deleting certain part instances of the application, transactions between views, and more.

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Which Cross Platform Mobile Development Platform Should You Choose

Which Cross Platform Mobile Development Platform Should You Choose | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
There are many cross platform mobile development solutions, but which one should you choose? I have some answers to this question which will help you decide

I’ve published courses for Pluralsight on:

After working with all these different solutions and investigating others, I thought I would publish my thoughts on each of these choices and the differences between them.

I’m mostly going to focus on Android and iOS because even though there are other competitors, those are the only major players that exist at present.  Everyone else has a relatively tiny market share.

No comment yet.! - Server + Native + Browser - Server + Native + Browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications | is a JavaScript Framework that has been made for easier and faster developing applications and 2d games.
It runs in a browser, a server and truly natively on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, OS X, Linux, Windows and more (60 FPSs).
This website has been written in the
JavaScript interpreters are really fast, but we recognized that DOM and CSS are the problem.
We wrote light and really fast virtual-DOM. For you, nothing changed here: your HTML document is still valid.
In neft you'll use CSS-like syntax. It's super fast in a browser (we use hardware accelerated transformations) and extremely responsive on a mobile.
As we said, we take native serious. We don't wrap your application into a browser using e.g. the PhoneGap, because we don't use CSS.
No extra modifications are required for the native apps.
We support iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10, Windows, Linux, OS X, Sailfish OS and more by the Qt technology.
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Converting Your JavaScript App to an iOS App w/ PhoneGap

Converting Your JavaScript App to an iOS App w/ PhoneGap | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This tutorial shows you how to convert a JavaScript web application into an iOS application with PhoneGap, as well as how to launch your JavaScript app on the iOS App Store.

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Series: Building an iOS app with PhoneGap, Angular.js and the ionic framework

Series: Building an iOS app with PhoneGap, Angular.js and the ionic framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this series I plan to build a mobile application using primarily web technologies (HTML5, js and css). I will be targeting iOS since those are the devices I have access to at the moment, but the application should be deployable to a number of platforms without major changes due to the technologies I will be using.

Series Parts:

* Building an iOS app with PhoneGap, Angular.js and the ionic framework
* Building a basic iOS UI using Angular and Ionic
* Recording Geo location data with PhoneGap and Angular
* Refactoring the js code structure PhoneGap and Angular
* Uploading files with PhoneGap and Angular
* A few different ways to improve user feedback in our Ionic application
* Displaying current and max speed with PhoneGap and Ionic
* Deleting files with PhoneGap
* Calculating distance and speed with the GeoLocation API - PhoneGap

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Ionic Framework, Angularjs & PhoneGap Build- The Awesome Threesome!

Ionic Framework, Angularjs & PhoneGap Build- The Awesome Threesome! | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is a getting started post on Ionic Framework & deploying the started template to PhoneGap Build.

When I read this article, I was pretty convinced that jQuery mobile is really killing PhoneGap & its abilities. jQuery mobile is actually awesome with its cross browser support & loading pages via Ajax, yada yada yada. But yes this is an overkill for a mobile app. We know what we are dealing with when we develop a hybrid app for a mobile. So why not use a user interface framework that will have only patches wrt mobile browsers!?


* Introductions
* Set up Ionic
* Scaffold our First Ionic app
* Build & Test locally
* PhoneGap Build the app
* Troubleshooting

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Sociogram: A Sample Application demonstrating AngularJS/Ionic and Facebook Integration

Sociogram: A Sample Application demonstrating AngularJS/Ionic and Facebook Integration | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Here is a brand new version of Sociogram, built with AngularJS,Ionic, and the OpenFB micro-library I shared earlier this week.

Sociogram is a sample application that demonstrates how to:

  • Login with Facebook
  • Request specific permissions
  • Revoke permissions
  • Get data (list of friends, mutual friends, feed items, etc.)
  • Post to your feed

The application also demonstrates some cool Ionic features such as:

  • Sliding Menu
  • Pull-to-Refresh (in Feed)
  • “Loading…” UI (while waiting for the feed to load)
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Apps With AngularJS

Apps With AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Is creating mobile apps with AngularJS and PhoneGap a viable alternative to native development?

Mobile development is converging. Websites are beginning to feel like applications in their own right, with hardware powered graphics, smooth interfaces, and multiple versions for multiple devices. That begs the question, can web technologies power a full blown app?

n order to make an application feel as responsive as its native counterparts we'll need to take advantage of several new technologies. Having an interface to access the functionality of the phone such as accelerometer, camera and gps is crucial. PhoneGap allows us to do this, interfacing with the device to allow access to these hardware features through javascript. 

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Onsen UI: The Answer to PhoneGap UI Development

Onsen UI: The Answer to PhoneGap UI Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Onsen UI is a Custom Elements-Based HTML5 UI Framework for Building Your Mobile Front End.

Onsen UI is a front-end development tool that radically improves PhoneGap/Cordova apps. Differing from previous frameworks, it is highly flexible and gives hybrid apps a native look and feel on all platforms. And when used with Monaca, it is simple to add backend features and device support, resulting in a publishable app.

A powerful feature of Onsen UI is its customizability. In addition to the themes provided, you can develop your own themes. Each component in a theme can also be customized, by modifying the HTML and CSS code. See Customize page which go into details.

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Cordova/PhoneGap Tutorial

I needed a small app to play with phonegap and last time I wrote the simple note application in AngularJS immediately I start converting it to a phonegap application, which wasn’t that hard.

The source code is almost the same as the webapp version that I put in my last blog post, except a few changes that i’m going to explain now !!

Jan Hesse's insight:
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Phonegap app with AngularJS fetching data from Drupal

Phonegap app with AngularJS fetching data from Drupal | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
The power to make single page application so easily with AngularJS always pushed me to make a mobile app using Phonegap and AngularJS which will talk to a Drupal website. In this tutorial, I will show you how I made this basic app in AngularJS which allows a user to login using the Drupal credentials and then fetch the latest nodes.

After trying a lot to use the Drupal Services module and failing at the authentication, I finally decided to write a custom module which will handle the authentication and the REST requests. The Drupal module is not in the scope of this tutorial; I would share the link for ease.

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Keypoint: PhoneGap-Based HTML Slide Decks

Keypoint: PhoneGap-Based HTML Slide Decks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’ve been using HTML slides instead of Keynote or Powerpoint for a while now. Since I’m doing a lot of PhoneGap/Cordova presentations, it also occurred to me some time ago that I could go one step further and package my HTML slide decks as PhoneGap applications. That way, I can demonstrate the PhoneGap APIs within my presentation, instead of constantly switching back and forth between my presentation and a demo app: My slides are the demo app.

To enable this, I built a simple presentation micro-framework that I called Keypoint. Keypoint uses Matteo Spinelli’s SwipeView as the swipable container. It is resource-conscious and fast, with only three slides in the DOM at any given time.

Because it is a Web application, you can also run your presentation in a browser on your laptop and navigate with the arrow keys. You’ll just not be able to use the PhoneGap specific capabilities.

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Challenges & solutions - Architecture of a Modern Web Application - Mobile App

Challenges & solutions - Architecture of a Modern Web Application - Mobile App | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this article we will learn to write mobile apps using native, hybrid and responsive development techniques for popular device platforms like iOS & Windows Phone for now and later Android & Black Berry.

The summary of the topics covered:

iOS Native App -> with Intro to Objective-C
Windows Phone Native App -> with Pricing, Device Overview and VS2012 Windows Phone Project
Mobile App Development - Possible Paths -> Native, Hybrid, HTML5
Hybrid Mobile App -> with PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, KendoUI Mobile, Sencha Touch, HTML 5 Responsive Website!

PhoneGap 3 for Dummies, Part 1: Setup and a first example

PhoneGap 3 for Dummies, Part 1: Setup and a first example | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I found a lot of tutorials for PhoneGap 2, but I couldn’t find any PhoneGap 3 tutorial. That’s why I start a PhoneGap 3 tutorial session. Please note, I never worked with PhoneGap 2, so please correct me if I’m wrong.

In the first part I want to install PhoneGap 3 and deploy a sample example into the Android / iOS simulator.


* Node Js


* Google Android 4.2.2 (API 17), SDK build tools


* XCode and Brew

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