Ampersand.js - A highly modular, loosely coupled, framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Ampersand.js splits things apart as much as possible. For example, ampersand-collection makes no assumptions about how you’re going to put data into it, what types of objects you’re going to store, or what indices you’re going to want to use to retrieve them. It follows the tiny module pattern.

But, what if you want that stuff?

Well, that’s easy, we just have another tiny module that layers in that functionality.

There’s a RESTful ampersand-rest-collection we just pre-bundle and publish it as a module for convenience, the code that combines them is hilariously simple.

You see the exact same pattern in ampersand-state and ampersand-model. “State” is the base object that “model” is built on. But model goes the additional step of including the RESTful methods.