Appassionante …Nell’Aria…(“in the air”) | Italian Entertainment And More |

Appassionante …Nell’Aria…(“in the air”)

In the air like a breath, In the air like a thought, In the air like a memory…
Everything passes through the air: our looks, our emotions, our desires, our dreams.
Distance and closeness are in the air. Through the air our vibrations flows and our music arrives…
“Nell’Aria”  is the new concept for the third album of “Appassionante”, the well-known female opera-pop trio. After an history of successes, meetings and passion, Overlook Italia is  now glad to introduce next production of  “Appassionante”: next album will really explore and meet the greatest  arias of the world as nobody has done before. The best arias composed by the greatest opera composers will be read and interpreted here in a totally and original new modality. 
We re-propose the Italian Opera Tradition in a new style, mixing opera voice and modern languages. This is something that  makes “Appassionante” project absolutely unique and special but also very popular.