ISC Recruiting News & Views
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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
July 29, 8:15 AM!

How To Get A Job In Private Equity

Private equity jobs are scarce; you know it, and I know it. But having seen hundreds of applicants, and their resumes, I don’t think the problem lies so much in finding the jobs; it’s more the preparation. Nonetheless, part of that preparation involves knowing the roles on offer, so in this post I’ll outline the places to find jobs in private equity and how to best position yourself to land them. Everything from the importance of your school, to the importance of your background, and how to make none of that even matter.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
October 11, 2023 7:30 AM!

Financial Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide

Financial Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

A financial plan paints a comprehensive picture of your current finances, your financial goals and any strategies you've set to achieve those goals. Good financial planning should include details about your cash flow, savings, debt, investments, insurance and any other elements of your financial life.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
September 12, 2023 9:00 AM!

The 2023 Future of Recruiting report |

The 2023 Future of Recruiting report | | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

You can’t foresee the future — but you can help create it. Explore the report's 17 predictions by theme.

It’s a challenging and pivotal time to be a recruiting leader. Between the uncertain economy and new trends reshaping the world of work, you have the opportunity to become a true change-maker at your organization. You’ll have to be strategic, adaptable, and acutely in tune with talent: what candidates want, what skills they possess, and how their careers can grow with your business.

To help you prepare, this report offers 17 predictions based on dozens of interviews with global talent leaders, surveys of thousands of recruiting pros, and analysis of billions of data points generated on LinkedIn.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
August 7, 2023 7:30 AM!

Fee-Only Financial Advisor: Pros and Cons

Fee-Only Financial Advisor: Pros and Cons | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Fee-based financial advisors give clients financial advice for a fee and don't receive commissions on the sales of investment or insurance products.

Seeking a professional to help you manage your money is a great step to achieving your financial goals. But not all financial advisors are the same; some may offer varying services — and more importantly, they may have different fee structures.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
June 7, 2023 9:45 AM!

Survey Tools Used to Boost Employee Engagement, Well-Being

Survey Tools Used to Boost Employee Engagement, Well-Being | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Putting Data to Work

The pandemic has slowed down since Organon began operations, and the company leveraged data from their surveys to inform U.S. corporate policy. For the 85 percent of employees who work overseas, work schedules are handled on a per country basis.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
May 1, 2023 8:45 AM!

How Your Employees Really Feel About Compensation

How Your Employees Really Feel About Compensation | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Find Out How Your Employees Feel About Compensation

Do you know what your employees really think about their compensation, benefits, employee experience, company culture, and everything else your organization has to offer? If not, your retention strategy is floating adrift. Retention is high on HR and business leaders’ list of priorities, and a key part of retention is offering the environment and total compensation package employees really want.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
April 14, 2023 7:30 AM!

16 Helpful Ways to Deal with Stress At Work | When I Work

16 Helpful Ways to Deal with Stress At Work | When I Work | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful. That’s a problem.

Regardless of what kind of work you do, the reality is that workplace stress is detrimental for employers and employees. Read on to find the causes of job stress, why it’s so harmful, and helpful tips to cope with workplace stress. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
March 29, 2023 7:30 AM!

Attitude and Conviction Affect Your Sales — Here’s Why

Attitude and Conviction Affect Your Sales — Here’s Why | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Sales is the transfer of conviction and inspiration: The person who is most certain during the interaction will win. Why? Because your prospect is uncertain. Which means your sales conversation will either inspire in them the certainty to say yes — or it will reinforce their uncertainty, and they will say no. As a seller, your success rests in your attitude: your complete conviction that your solution is the best in the world for your customer.

Continue reading at | Sales Hacker

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
February 17, 2023 7:30 AM!

Sales Motivation: 18 Tips to Keep Your Salespeople & Team Happy

Sales Motivation: 18 Tips to Keep Your Salespeople & Team Happy | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

It’s a no-brainer that motivated sales teams enjoy their work more and do their work better, resulting in a healthier bottom line.

However, achieving this doesn’t come from cracking jokes all day (What’s the best way to stay happy at work? Take longer vacations!) and expecting morale to be high.

Indeed, happiness at work can be elusive, yet there are numerous practical steps we can take to encourage it.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 24, 2023 7:30 AM!

HR Trends for 2023: People Leaders Share Their Workplace Predictions for the New Year 

HR Trends for 2023: People Leaders Share Their Workplace Predictions for the New Year  | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Believe it or not, there’s a lot to be hopeful about as we head into 2023. While there’s no denying the realities of a looming recession, widespread layoffs, and rising employee disengagement, this moment offers an opportunity for every company and People leader willing to double down on employee support and advocacy. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 16, 2023 9:45 AM!

3 Ways Bank Marketing Must Pivot in a Recession

3 Ways Bank Marketing Must Pivot in a Recession | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

With a recession on the minds of consumers, executives at banks and credit unions might be tempted to cut back on marketing investments. But the opportunity for outsize gains is there for those who are willing to pivot instead. Rather than doing less marketing, try new marketing tactics that strengthen connections with consumers in these uncertain times. Lean into these three trends —unbundling, personalized experiences and new technology — to get started.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
December 20, 2023 7:30 AM!

Predictions for the financial services industry in 2024

Predictions for the financial services industry in 2024 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The word ‘rollercoaster’ best sums up 2023.

We’ve experienced economic, geopolitical, technological, and societal challenges over recent months with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, high interest rates, inflation, global conflicts, catastrophic weather events, the rise in artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT, to name only a few. All of these elements have put pressure on the financial services industry (FSIs), pulling its focus in different (and often complex) directions to solve problems that didn’t exist a year ago. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
October 10, 2023 9:30 AM!

Robo Advisors vs. Financial Advisors |

Robo Advisors vs. Financial Advisors | | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Here’s what you need to know about robo advisors (also called automated investing) and how it’s different from working with a real-life financial advisor.

Investing can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re new to it, are exploring new types of investments, or have complex finances.

Working with a financial advisor is one way to invest, as is using an automated investing platform, also known as a robo advisor. But how do the two differ?

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
August 8, 2023 7:30 AM!

Seizing Late-Cycle Opportunities Economies move in cycles

Seizing Late-Cycle Opportunities Economies move in cycles | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Economies move in cycles, and each cycle brings its own challenges and opportunities. In many aspects, the current cycle has shown signs of aging and we are likely in late cycle. As investors debate the chances of growth or recession, we think the journey merits its own consideration. Staying on the sidelines could prove costly, while we believe an active, diversified approach across public and private markets may be the best way to navigate near-term uncertainties and seize late-cycle opportunities.


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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
August 3, 2023 9:00 AM!

What does a financial advisor do?

What does a financial advisor do? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Most people are aware of financial advisors and may even hire one at some point in their lives, but what exactly do financial advisors do? Financial advisors provide advice and guidance on a variety of financial issues you’ll encounter over the course of your life such as investments, retirement planning, insurance and even taxes.

Here’s what else you should know about financial advisors including the advantages and disadvantages of using one and when you should consider hiring one.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
May 2, 2023 9:45 AM!

8 Best Interview Question to Land a Top Job

8 Best Interview Question to Land a Top Job | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Jobseekers face a tougher road today than a year ago, when many companies couldn’t hire fast enough. So the questions applicants ask during the interview process are more important than ever to suss out if the role is a dream job — or a nightmare waiting to happen.   

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
April 27, 2023 7:30 AM!

How many jobs need to be sacrificed to tame inflation? The cost is rising

How many jobs need to be sacrificed to tame inflation? The cost is rising | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Events have outpaced the best-laid plans of policymakers. The recent turmoil in the financial sector will place constraints on the Federal Reserve’s efforts to restore price stability.

Our research indicates that the Fed, facing persistent inflation, will for now have to accept a de facto inflation target of 3% to avoid the destruction of millions of jobs that would accompany achieving a 2% target. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
April 3, 2023 8:15 AM!

8 things hiring managers should know about the candidate experience

8 things hiring managers should know about the candidate experience | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

If you Google “what hiring managers wish they knew about the candidate experience”, you wouldn’t find any result matching this topic. Instead, your page will be inundated with thousands of articles on what hiring managers and HR wish candidates knew about them.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
March 10, 2023 7:30 AM!

Why Leaders Must Embrace Digital Transformation to Succeed

Why Leaders Must Embrace Digital Transformation to Succeed | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations around the world to digitize their workforces. As the pandemic continues and remote work becomes the new norm for many organizations, leaders who fail to effectively transition into the digital realm may struggle. However, there are steps they can take to adopt the increasingly digital workspace and become digitally savvy leaders.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 26, 2023 7:30 AM!

How to Level Up Your Social Selling Strategy

How to Level Up Your Social Selling Strategy | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Millennials and Gen-Zs are officially the largest global consumer group. What do most (if not all) of them have in common? Their deep passion for social media.

Businesses that understand this are rapidly shifting how they engage with customers. Sure, emails and calls remain highly effective, but there's a new front-runner in the B2B sales world - social media.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 23, 2023 7:55 AM!

10 Meaningful Team Building Activities for Stronger Teams

10 Meaningful Team Building Activities for Stronger Teams | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Let’s face it. Team building activities can be awkward. When you’re used to interacting with folks in a professional context, letting loose can be a challenge, especially when you’re asked to be vulnerable. However, the benefits of strong peer relationships in the workplace are unparalleled, especially when it comes to organizational culture.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 9, 2023 7:50 AM!

Best Sales Coaching Tips And Techniques To Improve Sales In 2023

Best Sales Coaching Tips And Techniques To Improve Sales In 2023 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Most companies these days are actively incorporating sales coaching in their process. It helps improve the performance of each salesperson of the firm, which leads to more sales and ultimately boosts the company’s revenue. 

Companies that have solid sales coaching programs are able to see 28% more win rates.

Let’s find out what sales coaching is about, what makes a successful coach, and tips that work. 

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