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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 17, 2023 7:30 AM!

Banks seek digital transformation via fintech collaborations

Banks seek digital transformation via fintech collaborations | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Banks and credit unions are working to modernize digital banking experiences by partnering to an increasing degree with fintech firms and third-party solution providers. These collaborations are improving the speed and scale of innovation, often replacing core providers and saving money compared to creating solutions internally.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
March 10, 2022 9:12 AM!

2022 hiring for Finance: Outlook for companies so far

2022 hiring for Finance: Outlook for companies so far | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

If you’re looking for a few good Finance pros to beef up your ranks, you aren’t alone. Nearly two-thirds of businesses plan to add new positions to their rosters in the first half of 2022 – and hiring Finance staffers is a top priority.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
February 17, 2021 10:00 AM!

What’s In Store For Banking In 2021?

What’s In Store For Banking In 2021? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Looking ahead to what is in store for the banking industry would be impossible without taking the pandemic’s transformational changes into account. Covid-19 has accelerated trends which were already underway in most industries, and banking is no exception. While the industry has been transforming for years, progress has been piecemeal as a result of regulatory complications, data protection considerations and a reluctance to change old ways.

The crisis has presented banks with a golden opportunity to regain the trust lost in the last financial crisis. Here, banks have had the chance to be the “good guys” by supporting their customers throughout the current turmoil. Research from Modularbank cites tech as a key factor for UK consumers when choosing a bank.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
December 11, 2020 1:16 PM!

Banking guide to managing hiring risks

Banking guide to managing hiring risks | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

How banks manage risk to create competitive advantage and higher productivity through their most important asset – their people

Hiring Risk Management System ties business outcomes to hiring decisions and gives your organization the ability to develop QUANTIFIABLE metrics around: hiring process, efficiency, cost per hire, workforce performance, and talent measurement

“People are not your most important assets – The right people are”


Banks invest significant time and money to acquire talent. Every time a company extends an offer; it needs to answer a few critical questions such as:

  • “If we hire this person will the person be able to perform the job and to what level of excellence?”
  • “If I hire this person will the person stay in the job long enough to justify the costs that are associated with hiring and training the person” (i.e., Does my company offer what this person is looking for in terms of his psychological, sociological and demographic needs?)

Most of these decisions are taken typically through a nebulous process of unstructured interviews utilizing information about the candidate that is confined to a resume (not necessarily an unbiased or accurate representation of the individual) and the recruiters or managers interpretation of “right” talent, with scope for bias exposing the organization to significant hiring risks.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
March 23, 2022 7:11 AM!

Our 15 top predictions for banking and finance jobs in 2022

Our 15 top predictions for banking and finance jobs in 2022 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

2021 was kind to most investment banks and financial services professionals, and if you work in the industry this beneficence should be on display when bonuses are awarded in the next few weeks. But what goes up is always in danger of going down, and after a heady 12 months, some areas of the industry are looking a little frothy. Others are likely to remain in their state of excitement for the year to come. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
April 2, 2021 10:00 AM!

Digital banking - nice to have, or essential?

Digital banking - nice to have, or essential? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Times of crisis force us to adapt, to take new and different approaches – and to question the existing ones in order to survive.

The savings and loan collapse of the 1980s, the 9/11 attacks on New York, the sub-prime mortgage crisis were all pivotal moments that caused radical rethinking of not only business processes but technology and the way we rely on it.

As a crisis, today’s pandemic is exceptional. It is rapidly rewriting the rules for business processes, customer engagement and technology to, in many cases, limit or dispense with human contact.

In the financial services sector, this transformation has been the driving force behind major technology investments in recent years. A much greater focus has been placed now on digital technologies to ensure business continuity, not only during this crisis, but well into the future.

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber
January 1, 2021 4:31 PM!

Working Toward a More Diverse Industry

Working Toward a More Diverse Industry | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Mortgage servicing companies and related businesses have worked to offer better diversity in their companies for many years, but those efforts came into even more focus in 2020 following months of protests and a renewed societal focus on questions of equality and how to move past lingering legacies of racism. 

 The diversity movement strives to eliminate the glass ceiling minorities and women have faced for years, seeking both to offer greater opportunities within the servicing industry and to promote a stronger sense of inclusion for those who join the fold. 

“Diversity is still a work in progress,” said Ulysses Smith, Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for Blend. “Many communities have been left behind.” 


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