Magnomics Starts Operations | iBB |

Former iBB researchers Sofia Martins (PhD Biotechnology, IST 2008) and Verónica Romão (PhD Biotechnology, IST 2009) are currently leading the biological research at Magnomics, a biotech start-up committed to creating the new generation of molecular diagnostic devices, with applications in human health, veterinary health, and in the food industry. Sofia and Verónica partnered with Filipe Cardoso (INESC-MN), José Germano (INESC-ID) and João Miguel Pereira (UCoimbra) and launched Magnomics in 2013. After winning second place in INOVPORTUGAL 2014 (over 14000 participants) and having secured funding from Portugal Ventures, Beta Capital and PNV Capital, the company has just started operations in facilities located at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Magnomics core product is a fully portable, easy to use diagnostic device which includes sample treatment (bacteria separation and DNA purification), DNA amplification, and magnetic detection. The technology is protected by a growing pool of international patents and is currently being prototyped. The initial market tests are predicted for late 2015.