Mixed Regulatory-Metabolic Genome-Scale Models in Yeasts | iBB | Scoop.it

The project "MIXED-UP: Targeting pathogenesis and engineering cell factories: developing mixed regulatory-metabolic genome-scale models in yeasts" has been recommended for funding by FCT (2017 Call for SR&TD Project Grants). The goal of MIXED-UP is to develop genomic scale mathematical models that describe the complete metabolic and regulatory networks in yeasts of biotechnological and clinical relevance. These mathematical models will be used for the in silico prediction of the best proteins or pathways to target for the development of improved yeast cell factories. They will also enable the identification of the key regulatory or metabolic steps that constitute the best drug targets, aiming the development of new antifungal drugs for the treatment of superficial and invasive candidiasis. The project, which falls within the scientific area of Industrial Biotechnology, is headed by Miguel Teixeira from BSRG-iBB and involves a consortia of partners from the University of Minho, INESC-ID and IGC.