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Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences
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November 1, 2017 5:29 AM

FCT Launches 2017/2018 Evaluation of R&D Units

FCT Launches 2017/2018 Evaluation of R&D Units | iBB | Scoop.it

The documentation supporting the 2017/2018 evaluation of R&D units that will determine the funding for 2019-2022 has been made available by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Total funding available is 400 million €. Additionally, FCT will fund 400 PhD grants through the R&D units. The deadline for submission of proposals is January 31st 2018. Click on the title to learn more.

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July 2, 2014 2:40 PM

iBB-IST Proceeds to 2nd Round of FCT Evaluation

iBB-IST Proceeds to 2nd Round of FCT Evaluation | iBB | Scoop.it

The Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (IBB) is a research unit at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, aiming at cutting edge research and strategic advanced education in fundamental and applied biological sciences, biotechnology and bioengineering.

Miguel Prazeres's insight:

As a result of the 2013 review of the national R&D institutions organized by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FTC), the Institute for Bioenginieering and Biosciences (iBB-IST) has proceeded to the second round of evaluation. This next stage will include an on-site visit by the members of the expert pannel.

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July 2, 2014 3:03 PM

Doctoral Programme on Biotechnology and Biosciences Receives FCT Approval

Doctoral Programme on Biotechnology and Biosciences Receives FCT Approval | iBB | Scoop.it

The Doctoral Programme on Biotechnology and Biosciences, a collaborative effort between IST and iBB has been recently approved by  FCT after peer-review by an international panel of experts.This new FCT PhD programme will enable iBB to expand its research and educational activities, complementing the graduate efforts already in place under the scope of the PhD programs in Bioengineering-MIT Portugal and Bioengineering - Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine.

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