iBB present at FIC.A – Festival Internacional de Ciência 2022 | iBB | Scoop.it

Our researchers were involved in many different ways at this year's edition of FIC.A – Festival internacional de Ciência 2022. Vasco Bonifácio was involved in the activities "The Perfume Laboratory", "The Air We Live In", "Black Ink Secrets", and also assisted the "Virtual Tour To The International Space Station (ISS)" using VR glasses. Tiago Fernandes talked to young audiences about "Challenges and opportunities in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells". Our student Diana Marques talked to kids about "The Future of food and 3D printing", an activity developed under the umbrella of the initiative "Soapbox Science Lisbon" that promotes the visibility of women in Science. Finally, we were also represented in the Técnico stand with the hands-on activity "Bioreactors for Cell Expansion".