Will food be produced using 3D printers in a factory? | iBB | Scoop.it

Diana Marques, a PhD candidate at the Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB), was challenged by Fernando Gaspar to answer this question.


In an interview for the podcast "Consórcio do Bem-Estar," Diana discussed the Algae2Fish project's goals with Fernando Gaspar, José Alberto Maia Pereira, and Alvaro Cidrais. Diana is developing research on unique techniques for generating 3D bioprinted fish fillets.


The Algae2Fish project is currently ongoing at iBB and aims to produce seabass fish fillets using 3D bioprinting. These scaffolds will support fish cell growth, provide adequate mechanical and structural properties, and contribute to the final tissue nutritional and organoleptic features.