History 2[+or less 3].0
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History 2[+or less 3].0
Some new approaches about History didactics.
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 15, 2013 9:30 AM

Out of Africa – Did the Colonial Powers ever Really Leave?

Out of Africa – Did the Colonial Powers ever Really Leave? | History 2[+or less 3].0 | Scoop.it
Africa may have achieved independence, but the old colonial ties are still important as France’s decision to send troops to Mali to fight Islamist extremists shows.
Jess Deady's curator insight, May 4, 2014 4:04 PM

Colony powers are still located within Africa. Just because Africa is technically independent doesn't mean that British Colonial power isn't still in place.

Courtney Barrowman's curator insight, September 11, 2014 2:11 PM

unit 4

Felix Ramos Jr.'s curator insight, March 26, 2015 11:08 AM

This article reminds us all of the growth-stunt that colonialism in Africa brought to the continent.  It is not surprising to see that most African countries still depend heavily on their old colonial masters for survival.  People who may casually follow African politics might think that colonialism started with the Berlin Conference and ended in 1990 or so, but one could argue that it hasn't ended due to the urgent dependency African countries still have on their old colonizers.  Africa might be the most beautiful continent in the world but has the worst story of any in the world.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Social media and education
August 30, 2012 7:08 PM

Infographic: Palestinian homes demolished

Infographic: Palestinian homes demolished | History 2[+or less 3].0 | Scoop.it

Report by an Israeli non-governmental organisation says 2011 was a record year for Palestinian displacement.


This infographic comes from the group http://visualizingpalestine.org  This corresponds with the UN's recent statement that Gaza 'will not be liveable by 2020' given Israeli policies as reported by the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19391809

Via Jack Patterson
Olivia Campanella's curator insight, October 31, 2018 11:41 AM
This article explains the devastating demolitions that are caused by large -scale  military operations such as the War on Gaza in 2008-09. Ten years ago, a 23 year old man (Corrie) was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer when he and his group of activists were acting as human shields to try to stop the Israeli army from demolishing Palestinian homes and clearing out the land around the Palestinian town of Rafah.
Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
November 20, 2012 1:27 PM

Gaza-Israel crisis 2012: every verified incident mapped

Gaza-Israel crisis 2012: every verified incident mapped | History 2[+or less 3].0 | Scoop.it

This map shows each verified incident of violence in Gaza and Israel since last week's assassination of Hamas leader Ahmed al-Jabari.  Geospatial technologies combined with social media are changing how we learn about (and wage) wars. 


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