Go: The Ultimate Game
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
onto Go: The Ultimate Game
November 11, 2010 9:44 AM

Bande Annonce - The Go Master

Film chinois de Tian Zhuangzhuang, 2006, pas encore sorti en France.
Le jeune prodige Wu quitte sa Chine natale pour le Japon afin de devenir le meilleur joueur de Go au monde. Il va bouleverser les traditions et les stratégies de ce jeu ancestral, suscitant l'admiration de ses nombreux fans et la haine de ses ennemis.
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Go: The Ultimate Game
Go, Baduk, Wei Chi
Curated by Marc Rougier
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
April 28, 2012 7:28 AM

Man vs Machine showdown in the board game Go

Man vs Machine showdown in the board game Go | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
15 years after Deep Blue defeated Kasparov, John Tromp is facing a rematch from the machines in the board game Go.
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
June 23, 2011 6:06 AM

Kindle Goban « World Line

Kindle Goban « World Line | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
At the moment, it can take any SGF and generate a book-like thing out of it, with markup, comments, and variations.
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Suggested by Minter Dial
June 23, 2011 6:04 AM

Virtual "IGO" at Digital Contents EXPO 2010

From Ubiq Window.... The coolest e-goban
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
April 6, 2011 5:59 PM

Kim Jiseok vs Gu Li, 3rd BC Card Cup

Kim Jiseok vs Gu Li, 3rd BC Card Cup | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
This was one of the most exciting and complicated games so far in the 3rd BC Card Cup. The game was played between Kim Jiseok (8p) of Korea and Gu Li (9p) of China. Both players are well known as infighters, and it shows in this game. Gu Li's career so far is far better than Kim Jiseok's, but Kim is far younger and is a rising star in Korea. Enjoy the game! Commented game records, Featured.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
February 9, 2011 1:13 PM

Problem - life and death (2 kyu)

Problem - life and death (2 kyu) | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Type: life and death problem, for players.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 11, 2010 9:27 AM

Go, Wei Chi - Online Guide and History

Go, Wei Chi - Online Guide and History | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Wei Qi (China), Baduk (Korea) or Go, as it is known in Japan and generally in the West, is considered by most Oriental game experts to be the worlds greatest strategic skill game, far surpassing Chess in it's complexity and scope. Most people who have played it would agree with this conclusion and, unlike chess, no computer program has yet been able to compete with the best Go players.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
January 17, 2011 8:50 AM

North Korea’s Artificial Intelligence Go Software | Korea IT Times

North Korea’s Artificial Intelligence Go Software | Korea IT Times | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Eunbyul 2010 is a "Go" game, or commonly known as baduk in Korean; a software program developed by North Korea and played in North and South Korea. Winner of the third Computer Go Competition UED Cup in 2009, defeating so many outstanding programs from all over the world, Eunbyul 2010 is maintaining 3-dan at cyberoro.com and also ranks number one in sales in Japanese computer Go program market.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
January 5, 2011 4:56 PM

2010 Top Ranker

2010 Top Ranker | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
It's already 2011, so we now may know who did the best in 2010. Let's take a look.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 19, 2010 9:39 AM

Problem - best move

Problem - best move | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
For players. This position came after the 48th moves in a match between Lee Sedol and Gu Li during the first roud of the 15th LG Cup
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 16, 2010 11:23 AM

Tan Xiao v. Gu Li

Tan Xiao v. Gu Li | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
I like this pic. He looks so elegant, so calm.
Game record is here.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 11, 2010 9:44 AM

Bande Annonce - The Go Master

Film chinois de Tian Zhuangzhuang, 2006, pas encore sorti en France.
Le jeune prodige Wu quitte sa Chine natale pour le Japon afin de devenir le meilleur joueur de Go au monde. Il va bouleverser les traditions et les stratégies de ce jeu ancestral, suscitant l'admiration de ses nombreux fans et la haine de ses ennemis.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 9, 2010 1:02 PM

Weiqi invade star point large knight corner enclosure with extension

For players: Black has star point large knight corner enclosure with big extension, how should white invade?
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 9, 2010 9:47 AM

Go et organisation des conglomérats asiatiques

Go et organisation des conglomérats asiatiques | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Le Japon et la Corée sont connus pour l'organisation en conglomérats de leurs grandes entreprises. Héritiers des systèmes ...
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
July 26, 2011 5:39 AM

GoGrinder Released for Android « American Go E-Journal

GoGrinder Released for Android « American Go E-Journal | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
GoGrinder has just been released for Android, reports Tim Kington. “Practicing your reading is one of the best ways to get stronger,” Kington says, “Now you can have thousands of go problems in your pocket and fit a little practice in whenever you have a few minutes to kill.”
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
June 23, 2011 6:06 AM

Iyama Yuta defeats Gu Li, Japan wins Bosai Cup - Go Game Guru

Iyama Yuta defeats Gu Li, Japan wins Bosai Cup - Go Game Guru | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Following on from his victory over Lee Sedol (9p) earlier this week, Iyama Yuta (9p) has done it again, defeating Gu Li (9p) of China and winning the Chongqing invitational for Japan.
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Suggested by Go Game Guru
June 23, 2011 6:03 AM

Tenchi Meisatsu - a film about Go players Yasui Santetsu, Honinbo Dosaku

Tenchi Meisatsu - a film about Go players Yasui Santetsu, Honinbo Dosaku | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
This new film about the life of Yasui Santetsu is set in early Edo period, Japan. Okada Junichi will play Yasui Santetsu and Yokoyama Yu will play Santetsu's rival, Honinbo Dosaku. The scheduled release date is late 2012.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
February 9, 2011 1:17 PM

Choi Cheolhan Challenges Lee Changho

Choi Cheolhan Challenges Lee Changho | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Choi Cheolhan (9 dan) became the challenger of the 54th Kuksu title. He will play the title holder, Lee Changho, in a 5 games title match series.

Choi Cheolhan met Kim Jiseok (7 dan) at the challenger's decision match and played 3 games against him. Game records here.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
January 23, 2011 5:03 PM

Microsoft launched "The Path of Go", an Xbox game based on ‘Go’

Microsoft launched "The Path of Go", an Xbox game based on ‘Go’ | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
"Go is very challenging to program. It requires an extremely intricate artificial intelligence."

Interesting initiative. IBM has been successful with Chess, but this challenge is a bit tougher.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
January 18, 2011 5:27 PM

Tutorial for the Game of Go - Part I, Overview

Part 1 introduces the game of Go to anyone who is curious about it. Rare! a video for beginner :)
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
January 13, 2011 3:09 PM

Experience Go in China

Experience Go in China | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
An annual summer Go studying program. From June 20 to August 20, 2011, in total 2 months, in Beijing, China. Get professional Go teaching and improvement on Go.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 22, 2010 2:45 PM

Problem - tesuji

Problem - tesuji | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
For players. Kang Dongyun (W) just played the marked stone. Play the move that will prevent the most tenacious W resistance.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 16, 2010 11:27 AM

Go - Android app on AppBrain

Go - Android app on AppBrain | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Go - With its rich strategy and simplistic rules, the ancient game of Go. Now available on Android phones.
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 11, 2010 1:04 PM

Sensation!!! Yu Bin crushed Lee Sedol!!!

Sensation!!! Yu Bin crushed Lee Sedol!!! | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Game record here.
From gosensations.com
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 10, 2010 4:54 PM

Lee Sedol vs Kang Dongyun

Lee Sedol vs Kang Dongyun | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
Lee Sedol is perhaps the best player in the world. This is a record of a game: Kang Dongyun(9p) vs Lee Sedol(9p)
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Scooped by Marc Rougier
November 9, 2010 9:48 AM

Lectures d'été : l'OULIPO et le Go en France

Lectures d'été : l'OULIPO et le Go en France | Go: The Ultimate Game | Scoop.it
A la fin des années 1960, alors que le Go est quasiment inconnu en France, un petit groupe de curieux s'initie au jeu dans une librairie de la rive gauche parisienne. Parmi eux se trouvent Pierre Lusson, Jacques Roubaud et Georges Perec. Les deux premiers sont mathématiciens et poètes, le troisième est écrivain, déjà connu pour son roman Les Choses, et en cours d'écriture de La Disparition. Perec et Roubaud sont également membres de l'atelier littéraire OULIPO, un des grands courants la littérature contemporaine. Fascinés par le jeu et sa dimension complexe, ils l'intègrent à leurs travaux littéraires.
Joel Jacquard's comment December 16, 2010 7:08 PM
Je ne connais pas ce jeu, mais ce topic est interressant. Je suis étonné pour George Perec ! Pour son livre " La disparition" je ne connais pas mais parcontre un livre surprenant est "La disparu" où il a écrit sont livre sans la lettre "E" ! Un exploit.

Pour en revenir au jeu de Go, je vais m'y pencher plus sérieusement. Bonne idée Marc :-)
Marc Rougier's comment, December 18, 2010 7:08 AM
Bonjour Joël, bienvenue sur le topic jeud de Go :) Je crois que le livre de George Perec sans la lettre E c'est bien la disparition. Je ne l'ai pas lu mais j'ai lu son traité sur le jeu de go, à la fois éducatif et marrant. Mais pour apprendre le jeu, pas de miracle, faut jouer. Au plaisir d'une rencontre! (attention: addictif).
Joel Jacquard's comment December 18, 2010 4:14 PM
Bonjour Marc,

Pour "La disparition" vous avez raison, c'est bien le titre (j'ai vérifié) pourtant "La disparu" existe aussi, c'est le même livre mais avec un titre différent ! Curieux... Quant à la lecture, il n'est pas agréable à lire (en plus il fait 226 pages).

Pour le jeu de Go, je ne connais personne qui sache jouer. Une chose est sûre, avec un nom pareil, on ne peut qu'y aller :-)