Future Of Advertising
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Future Of Advertising
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Marketing & Communications
November 9, 2012 2:03 PM

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Scooped by Alex Butler
May 21, 2013 11:56 AM

6 Ways to Make More Out of Your Facebook Ad Campaign

6 Ways to Make More Out of Your Facebook Ad Campaign | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Learn six helpful tips and tools to help your marketing strategy take advantage of Facebook advertising with FBX (Facebook Exchange).
Navtej Kohli CDC's comment, May 28, 2015 5:57 AM
thanks for sharing this useful #information
Scooped by Alex Butler
April 2, 2013 5:47 PM

Soon, all online advertising will be video

Soon, all online advertising will be video | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Video advertising will double approximately every two years until all online ads will be video ads. That's right -- all online ads will be video.
Sonia Nofziger Dasgupta's curator insight, April 26, 2013 11:05 AM

While I agree that video is the way of the future, I also believe that advertising as we know is today will be changing significantly in the very near future.  Consumers want, and deserve, more than messages directed at them.  It's an opportunity for the brands and companies that step up to engage consumers.  Quality multimedia content that is relevant to the viewers and invites further interaction has tremendous potential to build brand reputation.

FLITTER's curator insight, May 7, 2013 6:14 PM

Video advertising will double every two years - prediction 

Scooped by Alex Butler
March 6, 2013 1:59 AM

Social Advertising: $4 Billion Well Spent? | Social Media Today

Social Advertising: $4 Billion Well Spent? | Social Media Today | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

By end of the year, eMarketer pegs the amount US brands will have spent on social ads at $4.1 billion.How much of that will be considered "well spent"?

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Scooped by Alex Butler
January 29, 2013 2:18 AM

Mobile ads just won’t cut it anymore

Mobile ads just won’t cut it anymore | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Guest Post Mobile advertising isn't the answer for marketers looking to add presence to smartphones and tablets. Mobile enablement is.
Matmi's curator insight, February 5, 2013 5:59 AM

This article highlights the importance of having a mobile component to any brands marketing campaign. Matmi have produced successful mobile games that produce great ROI and turn out to be a fantastic investment for brands - HK

Shanika Journey's curator insight, February 19, 2013 12:15 AM

What's great about this article is that it shares how mobile ads need to engage customers and encourage interaction for the sale, not just broadcast a sales message to consumers. Plus, a mobile ad should be able more responsive - in other words, your prospect can see the ad on any smartphone, tablet, or labtop they use.

Scooped by Alex Butler
January 19, 2013 6:33 AM

Is Location Based Advertising the Future of Mobile Marketing and Mobile Advertising?

Is Location Based Advertising the Future of Mobile Marketing and Mobile Advertising? | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

Along with content marketing I don't think there's a more ubiquitous phrase right now in the world of marketing and advertising than anything that starts with the word "mobile." Everyone has their opinion, their idea, their beliefs and so on when it comes to mobile marketing and mobile advertising.

Just this past October yours truly wrote a piece entitled Mobile Marketing - The Elephant In The Room For Marketers. As I wrote then and still believe today "The fact of the matter is that mobile marketing – despite all its continued hype and promise has been severely under utilized by marketers of all shapes and sizes.

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Scooped by Alex Butler
December 19, 2012 4:55 AM

The Ad Contrarian: Advertising's 5 Biggest Lies: Best of 2012

The Ad Contrarian: Advertising's 5 Biggest Lies: Best of 2012 | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Among our fellow citizens, it is commonly believed that we ad hacks get paid to lie. While I am not prepared to stipulate, I do concede that sometimes we don't quite tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

So when you set out to write a piece entitled Advertising's 5 Biggest Lies, you are begging for trouble. It's like writing Las Vegas's 5 Worst Buffet Dinners or Pepsi's 5 Dumbest Marketing Ideas. No matter what you pick, someone's got something to top you.

Nonetheless, trouble is my business. So here we go -- advertising's 5 biggest lies:
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Scooped by Alex Butler
November 26, 2012 3:06 AM

Facebook Advertising Guide: All Ad Types and Specs

Facebook Advertising Guide: All Ad Types and Specs | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

You may love or hate Facebook, but surely it has gained its place in the marketing mix of small business owners. However, despite Facebook’s continuous efforts to drive more businesses to the platform, the information available to potential advertisers is somewhat confusing. This is why this post is a starter’s guide to Facebook advertising, explaining the difference among all the different ad formats.

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Scooped by Alex Butler
November 19, 2012 6:17 AM

Resistance is futile. Yet, they resist: How Madison Ave. wastes clients’ money by denying reality

Resistance is futile. Yet, they resist: How Madison Ave. wastes clients’ money by denying reality | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

I think I just proved that Facebook is roughly 100 times more efficient than primetime TV at spreading advertising messages. Now I’m trying to figure out why almost no one in adland cares...

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Scooped by Alex Butler
November 11, 2012 12:32 PM

I Saw The Future Of Advertising And It's Pretty Awesome

I Saw The Future Of Advertising And It's Pretty Awesome | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Last week I had the distinct privilege of judging the Tomorrow Awards, an advertising award show dedicated to showing the future of communications, today. That’s right, along with my fellow “Monster Judges” from all over the world, we were tasked to scout out and celebrate the best ideas that point the way forward although they have been launched in the here and now.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
October 17, 2012 12:21 PM

Online Advertising Poised to Finally Surpass Print - Technology Review

Online Advertising Poised to Finally Surpass Print - Technology Review | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
New numbers support speculation that the shrinking print advertising industry will fall behind its fast-rising digital counterpart.
Greg Clemett's comment, October 23, 2012 6:14 AM
Interesting that TV's going up too.
Scooped by Alex Butler
July 27, 2012 4:45 AM

Facebook's Stock Has Never Been Lower: Here's Why

Facebook's Stock Has Never Been Lower: Here's Why | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Despite meeting analysts’ operating earnings estimates of 12 cents a share, Facebook shares were hammered Thursday, falling more than 10% in after-hours trading. Here’s why.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
July 18, 2012 4:40 PM

Foursquare to Let Brands Talk to Users Who've Checked In Most

Foursquare to Let Brands Talk to Users Who've Checked In Most | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Foursquare will start letting businesses capitalize on the enthusiasm of customers who've checked in repeatedly by rolling out a way to message them.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
June 10, 2013 6:50 AM

21 Campaigns That Should Snare Lions at Cannes

21 Campaigns That Should Snare Lions at Cannes | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Smart ways to live, and dumb ways to die. Advertising demonstrated it all over the past 18 months, and the best work will do battle at the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in Cannes, France.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
April 30, 2013 3:41 AM

10 Horrifying Stats About Display Advertising

10 Horrifying Stats About Display Advertising | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Some pretty shocking stats about the effectiveness of display advertising.
Alex Butler's insight:

Can't say I do find it shocking, although it still baffles me that people pay for this nonsense and that agencies and media buyers can still sell it and sleep at night

Laura Brown's comment, April 30, 2013 11:26 AM
The only point in having ads online now is showing your name, being seen online. A business can look strong when they have a large show of ads. No one actually needs to click any of them. This is why I'm not keen on running ads on my site. The advertiser benefits and doesn't pay me even one cent.
Alex Butler's comment, April 30, 2013 11:30 AM
I take you point Laura, however the vast majority of people don't see display ads at all. Furthermore the whole movement of digital advertising is about action and influencing behaviour- we should be building relationships for clients not littering websites with pointless rubbish :-)
Scooped by Alex Butler
March 7, 2013 12:33 AM

How London Fog Lost its Mad Men Cool

How London Fog Lost its Mad Men Cool | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
The defining trench coat of the 60s ducks out
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Scooped by Alex Butler
February 7, 2013 9:31 AM

Google revamps AdWords network to target smartphone and tablet users

Google revamps AdWords network to target smartphone and tablet users | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

Number of daily Google searches from mobile devices is set to surpass searches from PCs and laptops by next year."

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Scooped by Alex Butler
January 25, 2013 4:35 AM

How Google Glass Could Change Advertising

How Google Glass Could Change Advertising | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
If Google Glass takes off, it could really change advertising. Here are a few possible scenarios.
Helene Mazerolle's curator insight, June 13, 2013 11:02 AM

Le futur de la communication est dans ces lunettes. Apres avoir adapté sa communication sur smartphone, puis sur tablette il faudra désormais s'adapter aux Google Glass.

Scooped by Alex Butler
January 15, 2013 7:23 AM

30 billion ads say iPad now more popular for mobile marketers than iPhone

30 billion ads say iPad now more popular for mobile marketers than iPhone | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but advertisers like iPads.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
December 13, 2012 12:26 PM

Will 2013 be the year of native advertising? [infographic]

Will 2013 be the year of native advertising? [infographic] | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Digital channels continue to provide advertisers with an ever-growing number of options for marketing to consumers, but there's a problem: many of their messages don't get through.

Many consumers, bombarded by ads, many of which they see as annoyances, have blinded themselves to certain types of ad units, and some, in an attempt to squash ads altogether, have turned to ad blocking software. Coupled with poorly-placed units, advertisers often have no idea how many of their ads have actually been viewed or were even viewable, prompting calls for viewability standards.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
November 19, 2012 6:19 AM

Ad Battle of the Century: Facebook crushes Primetime TV | The Wall Blog

Ad Battle of the Century: Facebook crushes Primetime TV | The Wall Blog | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
The social media era began in 2006, when Facebook first welcomed everyone over 13 and Twitter launched. We’ve been waiting six years now for some useful way of comparing the efficiency of traditional ads versus digital advertising. Such a method is now in sight.


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Scooped by Alex Butler
November 16, 2012 3:41 AM

Diversity in Advertising - the film

Diversity in Advertising' asks the men and women behind some of the best adverts in the world why there's a dearth of black and ethnic minorities working in the industry, and what we can all do to change it.

We also examine how a diversity of different ages, races and genders can lead to a diversity of ideas, and help create messages that speak to as wide an audience as possible.

Natalia Kingue's curator insight, May 13, 2013 4:24 PM

¿Es la publicidad representativa de la población, de la diversidad étina existente en las sociedades modernas?  Al menos en España no

Scooped by Alex Butler
November 5, 2012 7:41 AM

Do Native Ads Work?

Do Native Ads Work? | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it

Native ads are the buzzword of the moment in digital advertising, as many content publishers see them as the answer to the disappointments of standard display ads. Their champions say ads that are disguised as content have higher click-through and engagement rates than intrusive banners because they’re contextual and have quality content.

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Scooped by Alex Butler
September 7, 2012 8:05 AM

Twitter Makes More Mobile Ad Revenue Than Apple, Facebook

Twitter Makes More Mobile Ad Revenue Than Apple, Facebook | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
Data aggregator and forecaster eMarketer has released a US mobile advertising projection that shows Twitter making more mobile ad revenue than mobile ad network Millennial Media, as well as Facebook and Apple’s iAd “network.” However in 2013 Facebook...
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Scooped by Alex Butler
July 20, 2012 9:33 AM

Google’s Nikesh Arora On Mobile Ads: It’s ‘Where Search Was In 1999′ | TechCrunch

Google’s Nikesh Arora On Mobile Ads: It’s ‘Where Search Was In 1999′ | TechCrunch | Future Of Advertising | Scoop.it
One of the themes that came up repeatedly during the conference call for Google's second quarter earnings was mobile advertising.


“The good news is, we’re seeing phenomenal growth in mobile queries across the board,” Arora said. “Mobile is right now where search was in 1999.”

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