A new report from MPs on the Education Select Committee calling for sex education to be made statutory, has much in it to be welcomed by those who have been campaigning for improvements in sex education.
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Nicoletta Gay's curator insight,
January 22, 2015 7:33 AM
We Are Social's new Digital, Social and Mobile in 2015 report. Including stats for more than 240 countries around the world, and profiling 30 of the world’s biggest economies in detail, this report is one of the most comprehensive, free compendium of up-to-date digital statistics and data you’ll find.
Trish Sadar's curator insight,
February 5, 2015 9:14 AM
Curiousity opens so many possibilities, and so many new ways to think and be. When you were 5 everything was new and exciting. We didn't have our blinders on then, and we saw everything and anything as being possible.
Why not decide to replace judgment with curiosity? Here is an example: "Carly, what a creative idea -- tell me I'm curious what led you to come up with this solution?
You see, most of the time if we think an idea is wrong, we will automatically excuse the idea, and place judge because the thinking was not consistent to our own.
When I talk I am not learning anything new. When I listen with curiousity it is amazing how much I learn!
So, I challenge you today to start thinking like you were a 5 year old...seeing everything as being possible, and replace judgment with curiosity.
Would love to hear back from you what new learning and doors open up for you.
Until next time...PS - Be on Brand & Live on Purpose!
Murielle Godement's curator insight,
January 21, 2015 8:07 AM
Pour sonoriser des présentations PowerPoint.
Gust MEES's curator insight,
January 24, 2015 7:50 AM
We have launched WizIQ Recordor: an amazing lecture-recording software designed exclusively for your teaching needs. |
Jeff Domansky's curator insight,
February 18, 2015 1:17 PM
Terrific tips for effective LinkedIn company pages. Recommended reading. 9.5/10
Trish Sadar's curator insight,
February 2, 2015 12:57 PM
Super infographic for improving communication within an organization. I know when you go through the infographic you will probably say... I already know that.
While you may not be in the position to change the way your entire organization communicates, involves, and engages wtih everyone, you do have control over how you communicate with your team.
So, after you go through the infographic and article ask yourself What should I do? What do I do? how do I know that effective communicate is really happening?
Moving forward, what will I do differently? Until next time.. .PS - Be on Brand & Live on Purpose!
Ilana Bern's curator insight,
February 4, 2015 10:24 AM
This infographic reports a lack of communication between managers and employees at most organizations, and reveals 10 ways to solve the problem. |
Article cites research findings from the ESRC-funded National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
IT's a new day for Sex Education. And it's about time we start teaching high school aged kids what sex is really all about, the good, the bad, and the amazing.