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August 20, 8:04 AM!

This island may be the first to get powered by tides in the Netherlands | TheMayor.EU

This island may be the first to get powered by tides in the Netherlands | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The small Dutch island of Ameland, located in the Wadden Sea will be the site of the first electricity generated by the power of sea tides in the country. The project, which seeks to test a new technology called TidalKite will add a new dimension to the concept of renewable energy sources.
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October 13, 2023 3:49 AM!

Getting your money’s worth: the cost of renewables – FORESIGHT

Getting your money’s worth: the cost of renewables – FORESIGHT | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Every year, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) puts together a report, looking at the cost of renewable power production. The latest iteration shows that, despite inflation, the cost has dropped.
According to the report, the global weighted average levelised cost of electricity from new utility-scale solar, onshore wind, bioenergy and geothermal production fell. Thanks to the rise in fossil fuel prices, this makes the cost argument for renewables even more compelling, according to IRENA.

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July 21, 2023 6:46 AM!

A German coal giant’s unlikely conversion to clean energy | Financial Times

A German coal giant’s unlikely conversion to clean energy | Financial Times | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Leag says it is on a mission to reinvent itself and secure the future prosperity of a region in the country’s former communist east
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April 18, 2023 8:42 AM!

‘End of fossil age’ has begun, analysts say –

‘End of fossil age’ has begun, analysts say – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
2023 will mark the beginning of the decline in fossil fuels, following the peak of global electricity emissions in 2022, according to a new report released on Wednesday (12 April) by energy think-tank Ember. 
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February 1, 2023 5:34 AM!

Bosnian city to build first solar power plant –

Bosnian city to build first solar power plant – | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s southern city of Mostar will build a solar power plant for its own needs, in the hope of bringing down electricity prices, reported on Tuesday.


The plant will be the first of its kind in the country, which was granted the status of EU candidate in December.

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May 31, 2022 2:55 AM!

UK government could tax energy suppliers in face of soaring energy bills

UK government could tax energy suppliers in face of soaring energy bills | Energy Transition in Europe | |
COLUMN. The measure comes against a background of skyrocketing inflation that has rekindled the debate on inequality in the United Kingdom, as journalist Jean-Michel Bezat explains.
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November 29, 2021 2:57 AM!

Total annual investment in efficient energy worldwide needs to triple by 2030 to be consistent with a path towards reaching net zero emissions by 2050 – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod ...

Total annual investment in efficient energy worldwide needs to triple by 2030 to be consistent with a path towards reaching net zero emissions by 2050 – Energy in Demand – Sustainable Energy – Rod ... | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Global progress on energy efficiency has recovered this year to its pre-pandemic pace, but that was already well short of what would be needed to help put the world on track to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, according to the IEA’s annual market report on the topic. Total annual investment in efficient energy worldwide needs to triple by 2030 to be consistent with a path towards reaching net zero emissions by 2050, as set out in the IEA’s Roadmap to Net Zero by 2050.
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October 6, 2021 3:37 AM!

More renewables best answer to energy price surge, Brussels insists –

More renewables best answer to energy price surge, Brussels insists – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
A faster rollout of renewable energies such as wind and solar is the best response to recent spikes in gas and power prices, an EU official said on Wednesday (29 September), repeating earlier statements by the European Commission.
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September 29, 2021 9:01 AM!

La Ville de Charleroi entame sa transition énergétique

La Ville de Charleroi entame sa transition énergétique | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Charleroi mise sur un plan de rénovation énergétique déjà en cours. En effet, plusieurs zones de la ville au passé industriel sont en cours de réurbanisation et la Ville veut en profiter pour évaluer le potentiel énergétique de ces zones afin de permettre la planification de réseaux qui permettraient de gérer au mieux les flux d'énergie. D'autre part, les autorités communales ont analysé les potentielles sources d'énergies locales et renouvelables offertes par leur territoire. La région dispose en effet de certaines ressources liées à son passé minier. Le potentiel géothermique découlant de l'ancienne exploitation minière de la région est très important et proche du centre-ville. De plus, le gaz de mines, aussi appelé grisou, s'accumule dans certains puits de mine et pourrait être utilisé pour générer assez de chaleur et d'électricité pour alimenter plusieurs milliers de ménages. La Ville de Charleroi envisage également de produire de l'énergie via la valorisation de la biomasse, qui consiste à utiliser les déchets de bois issus du secteur de l'industrie ou des recyparcs. L'hydrogène et le solaire sont aussi évoqués comme sources d'énergie possibles. Afin de répartir ces flux d'énergie à travers la ville, Charleroi mise sur la construction de réseaux de chaleur, un système qui permet de distribuer à l'échelle d'une ville la chaleur produite par plusieurs chaufferies, situées dans des endroits différents, via des canalisations.
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August 17, 2021 4:52 AM!

Paris : Un opérateur énergétique local et une Coopérative Carbone pour atteindre les objectifs du Plan Climat

Paris : Un opérateur énergétique local et une Coopérative Carbone pour atteindre les objectifs du Plan Climat | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Lors du Conseil de Paris du 9 juillet dernier, la Ville a présenté sa volonté de créer un futur opérateur « Énergies de Paris » et une Coopérative Carbone. Présentation de ces deux outils qui devront contribuer à l’atteinte des objectifs du Plan Climat en 2030 et la neutralité carbone en 2050.
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July 2, 2021 6:15 AM!

New buildings in Berlin must have solar rooftops from 2023

New buildings in Berlin must have solar rooftops from 2023 | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The state parliament of Berlin passed a law that imposes an obligation on private owners of all new buildings and of those that undergo significant roof renovation to install photovoltaic systems. The rule comes into force at the beginning of 2023.

After many months of discussions, the House of Representatives in Berlin adopted the regulation that paves the way for the German city-state to reach a share of solar power in its electricity consumption of 25% as soon as possible. Photovoltaic systems will have to cover at least 30% of the roof area of all new buildings with a usable area of more than 50 square meters, starting from 2023.

The local law applies to all major roof refurbishments as well. The local authorities are also pushing for a phaseout of hard coal by 2030. Lignite was abandoned in 2017.
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March 2, 2021 8:57 AM!

How the Race for Renewable Energy is Reshaping Global Politics

How the Race for Renewable Energy is Reshaping Global Politics | Energy Transition in Europe | |
While the world was locked down by coronavirus last year, Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest, chairman of Fortescue Metals Group, was on the move. The billionaire mining magnate and his entourage toured 47 countries over five months, managing to convince some of them to open their borders to the delegation despite the pandemic. But Forrest wasn’t searching […]
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February 3, 2021 4:20 AM!

Overcoming borders to crowdfund green energy

Solar parks proliferate in Europe and boost development of renewables, but the issue of land use is often raised.A new trend is to produce energy and cultivate crops at the same time, in other words use agrivoltaic systems.

One example is the Torreilles solar park, in the South West of France. The plant’s total power capacity is 9.6MWand stretches for 43 hectares along the so-called “Route du soleil”, near Perpignan. It can produce 14,000,000kWh per year, enough to supply 5,200 families or allow 1,400 electric cars to travel around the world, saving1,100 tons of CO2.The system consists of 96 greenhouses equipped with solar panels. It hosts an “organic” poultry farm, which isfree-range, with the animals fed on grains grown on site. Fruit plants are also grown, with a section for exoticspecies.

The Torreilles park is innovative not only for its structure, but also for its financing system linked to a Europeancross-border campaign to crowdfund renewables. Platforms Lumo, based in France, and Oneplanetcrowd, in theNetherlands, co-financed the project collecting 800 thousand euros in two rounds, coming from 350 Frenchinvestors, and 130 Dutch investors.en energy.

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January 8, 10:51 AM!

Sweden, Portugal, Luxembourg: Which EU countries use the most - and least - renewable energy? | Euronews

Sweden, Portugal, Luxembourg: Which EU countries use the most - and least - renewable energy? | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Under the Renewable Energy Directive, the EU has increased its 2030 renewable target from 32 per cent to 42.5 per cent.
The amount of renewable energy used by EU countries is on the rise, according to a recent report.
Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, found that the share of renewable sources in gross energy consumption at the EU level reached 23 per cent in 2022.
That’s up from 2021, which saw 21.9 per cent come from renewables.
Here’s how different European countries compared.

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August 1, 2023 7:59 AM!

Renewables will cover energy needs of all Luxembourg households this year | TheMayor.EU

Renewables will cover energy needs of all Luxembourg households this year | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Luxembourg's energy ministry announced that solar power already meets one-third of the country's household energy demand. However, this is still only a tiny fraction of the overall energy consumption ..
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June 26, 2023 4:00 AM!

Denmark met all its energy needs through renewables, but there's a catch | TheMayor.EU

On 11 June, Denmark’s solar panels and wind farms managed to produce enough electricity to satisfy more than 100% of the demand in the country. That, however, is something that cannot be reliably repl..
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April 18, 2023 7:43 AM!

Czechia unplugs hundreds of solar plants due to sunny weather –

Czechia unplugs hundreds of solar plants due to sunny weather – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Sunny weather has forced the Czech state-owned company ČEPS to disconnect hundreds of solar power plants from the grid for the first time in history as their high production levels created a surplus that threatened the national power grid.
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September 28, 2022 7:56 AM!

Energy crisis looms large over Germany’s local utilities –

Energy crisis looms large over Germany’s local utilities – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The 1,000 municipal utilities that are the last link in the German energy supply chain are feeling the pinch of record-high energy prices, raising fears that some of them might go bankrupt.
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January 25, 2022 9:39 AM!

L’indépendance énergétique de la France grâce au nucléaire : un tour de passe-passe statistique

L’indépendance énergétique de la France grâce au nucléaire : un tour de passe-passe statistique | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Doter la France d’un parc nucléaire pour réduire sa dépendance aux importations de pétrole, après la crise pétrolière de 1973, tel était l’objectif du président Valéry Giscard d’Estaing quand il a lancé, en 1974, un programme qui allait aboutir à la construction de 45 centrales de production d’électricité d’origine nucléaire.
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October 6, 2021 3:41 AM!

There’s enough wind to power the globe. But exactly how much do we need to catch to rein in carbon?

We need to expand wind energy by at least 10 times in the next few decades in order to limit global warming in 2100
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October 6, 2021 2:58 AM!

Britain is powering towards all-green electricity by 2035

Britain is powering towards all-green electricity by 2035 | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The Prime Minister will speak later this week at the Conservative Party Conference and in line with his ‘Build Back Better’ slogan will announce a new major investment in renewables and nuclear energy, according to The Times.

Addressing the event which takes place in Manchester with around 10,000 delegates, Mr Johnson is expected to say that this move will underpin the UK’s net zero target.

In the last few days, rising energy prices and the fuel crisis have piled pressure on the government which is now exploring ways to reduce the reliance on gas and other fossil fuels.
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August 19, 2021 10:25 AM!

Austria’s biggest solar farm opens today | TheMayor.EU

Austria’s biggest solar farm opens today | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

According to a preliminary estimation, the new solar park will meet around 15% of the annual heating requirements of citizens of Friesach. The thermal power that the plant will generate will be fed into a 10-kilometres-long pipe, powering the district’s heating network.

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August 16, 2021 9:18 AM!

Pour faire avancer la transition, l’énergie citoyenne

Pour faire avancer la transition, l’énergie citoyenne | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Citoyens et collectivités locales sont une clé de l’accélération du déploiement des renouvelables dans les territoires. Mais bien des verrous restent à lever.
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March 2, 2021 8:58 AM!

Spanish energy companies to carry the torch for renewable deals

Spanish energy companies to carry the torch for renewable deals | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Rising demand for environmentally friendly investments is focusing attention on Spain's under-exploited solar and more established wind sector, helped by government
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February 4, 2021 10:39 AM!

Nouveau : Une permanence dédiée au raccordement des producteurs photovoltaïques

Ce dispositif d’assistance aux producteurs et maîtres d’ouvrages potentiels, nouveau volet du Centre de Ressources sur le Photovoltaïque (CRPV), complète la « Permanence photovoltaïque » existante. Il a pour objectif, dans un premier temps, de répondre aux questions des producteurs sur l’intégration au réseau à toutes les phases de leur projet (étude d’opportunité, raccordement, exploitation). Dans un second temps, la permanence pourra être élargie au sujet plus vaste de la prise en compte du photovoltaïque dans la planification énergétique territoriale et la planification des réseaux électriques.
Cette nouvelle permanence se place en complément, et non en substitut, des échanges directs que les producteurs peuvent avoir avec le gestionnaire de réseau de distribution, garant de l’accès non-discriminatoire au réseau, et leur autorité concédante. Elle s’appuie notamment sur les outils mis à disposition par le gestionnaire de réseau Enedis (Simulateur de raccordement Basse tension – BT - et Moyenne tension – HTA) sur sa zone de desserte.

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