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Scooped by Energy Cities
February 21, 6:10 AM!

Citizens, Democracy, and the Renovation Wave | REVOLVE

Citizens, Democracy, and the Renovation Wave | REVOLVE | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Energy cooperatives across Europe are coming together to democratize the Renovation Wave.

‘Together we are stronger’ is the motto for community-led initiatives to bring ground-up involvement in renovating buildings. Our homes are more than just shelters; they are where we create lifelong memories and find comfort. These dwellings are in many ways essential to our lives and well-being, yet we often overlook their energy efficiency and environmental impact. When we do contemplate improvements, the costs of renovations can be a significant barrier.

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Scooped by Energy Cities
March 3, 2021 5:32 AM!

Copenhagen’s Legendary Wind Park Middelgrunden at a Crossroads

Copenhagen’s Legendary Wind Park Middelgrunden at a Crossroads | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The world’s largest wind farm two decades ago may not survive as a co-operative. At least this is what the Danish energy industry says. The co-op’s founders remain defiant – and optimistic.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
July 16, 2020 10:10 AM!

A large cooperative project on renewable energy starts in Leuven | TheMayor.EU

A large cooperative project on renewable energy starts in Leuven | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

It gives citizens a chance to contribute to substantial energy savings while making profit
One of the largest cooperative projects on renewable energy in Leuven has officially started on Monday, informs the local authority. The city, together with two local cooperatives will be supplying ten public buildings with clean energy. The best part – residents of Leuven can invest in and acquire solar installations, thereby making a profit and contributing to the sustainable development of their city.

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Scooped by Energy Cities
March 10, 2021 12:27 PM!

Niš is empowering citizens within its energy transition

Niš is empowering citizens within its energy transition | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Niš included citizens and associations in the planning for its energy transition and it intends to enable the establishment of energy cooperatives that would build solar power plants, the Serbian city’s Energy Manager Bojan Gajić says.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
November 5, 2020 10:35 AM!

Analysing the potential of citizen-financed community renewable energy to drive Europe's low-carbon energy transition

Analysing the potential of citizen-financed community renewable energy to drive Europe's low-carbon energy transition | Energy Transition in Europe | |
n 2018, the real amount invested in the European Union's energy transition fell short of the funding level required to reach the 2030 climate and energy targets by €179 billion. Citizen-led finance in renewable energy development emerges as an innovative tool to bridge this investment gap. However, in spite of the European Union's ambition to involve local communities for co-driving the low-carbon energy transition, there is no comprehensive analysis quantifying citizens' potential to co-finance and participate in community renewable energy initiatives across Europe. We address this knowledge gap through a representative choice experiment survey that collected responses from 16,235 participants to different hypothetical investment options on renewable energy schemes across all European Union Member States, and estimate the social potential of European citizens to participate and invest in community-administered wind farms. Results from a novel survey-based social simulation indicate that €176 billion could be obtained from citizen-led finance in community-administered wind farm developments, enough to halve the investment gap to achieve a 32% renewable energy share in final energy consumption by 2030. Our analysis substantiates the case for facilitating easily accessible, risk-insured community investment options across Europe to unlock citizens' social potential for investing in community renewable energy.
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