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Scooped by Energy Cities
February 26, 2020 5:37 AM!

New SUMP Self-Assessment tool

New SUMP Self-Assessment tool | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The SUMP Self-Assessment helps you to evaluate and improve mobility planning in your city or functional urban area. The results page will show you how well your planning activities fulfill the principles of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), enabling you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your approach. It will provide you with tailored advice for further improvement, good practice examples and links to guidance for your specific situation.
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Scooped by Energy Cities
October 4, 2019 7:13 AM!

Download Topic Guides and Practitioner Briefings | Eltis

Download Topic Guides and Practitioner Briefings | Eltis | Energy Transition in Europe | |
‘Topic Guides’ provide comprehensive planning recommendations on established topics, ‘Practitioner Briefings’ are less elaborate documents that address emerging topics with a higher level of uncertainty. You can download the documents using the links below.

Topic Guides

Download Linking transport and health in SUMPs: How health supports SUMPs
Download Harmonisation of Energy and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Download Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning
Download Electrification: Planning for electric road transport in the SUMP context
Download Funding and Finance of Sustainable Urban Mobility Measures
Download Integration of Shared Mobility Approaches in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Download The Role of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Make smarter integrated mobility plans and policies
Download Mobility As A Service (MAAS) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Download Public Procurement of Sustainable Urban Mobility Measures
Download Urban Road Safety and Active Travel in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Download UVAR and SUMPs: Regulating vehicle access to cities as part of integrated mobility policies
Download Sustainable urban mobility planning in metropolitan regions
Download ANNEX: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION: Sustainable urban mobility planning and governance models in EU metropolitan regions
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Scooped by Energy Cities
December 26, 2019 1:06 PM!

Harmonising energy and mobility planning: it’s SIMPLA! | EASME

Harmonising energy and mobility planning: it’s SIMPLA! | EASME | Energy Transition in Europe | |

The H2020 project SIMPLA supported local authorities in joining up their energy and mobility planning and delivered guidelines for integrated planning, which has been recognised by Europe's main observatory on urban mobility (ELTIS) as good practice. 

 SIMPLA, funded under the H2020 Energy Efficiency challenge, supported more than 80 municipalities in six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Romania and Spain) to develop integrated energy and mobility plans. Thanks to the coaching programme established by the project, more than 1,000 public officers were reached and 28 integrated plans, composed of an energy plan, a mobility plan  and a harmonisation report, were developed.

The project offers great potential for replication: the ‘SIMPLA guidelines for the harmonisation of energy and mobility planning’  are available online in seven languages, complemented by 18 'turn-key energy-saving packages', like the examples of potential actions/strategies to be included in energy and mobility plans.

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