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Scooped by Benoit Lamy
August 28, 2024 5:28 AM

Hyundai to double hybrid range as demand for ‘pure’ electric cars slows | Automotive industry | The Guardian

Hyundai to double hybrid range as demand for ‘pure’ electric cars slows | Automotive industry | The Guardian | Electrical vehicle | Scoop.it
Carmaker increases portfolio to 14 and will also launch challenge in large and luxury vehicle sectors...
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Scooped by Benoit Lamy
January 25, 2024 9:50 AM

Electric shock! Watch as foolish Tesla Model 3 driver plows EV through deep flood waters in San Diego and emerges unscathed - despite manufacturer warning that water damage is not covered by car's ...

Electric shock! Watch as foolish Tesla Model 3 driver plows EV through deep flood waters in San Diego and emerges unscathed - despite manufacturer warning that water damage is not covered by car's ... | Electrical vehicle | Scoop.it
This is the moment an irresponsible Tesla driver plows their electric vehicle through deep rain water from San Diego's floods.
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