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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from Content Curation World
July 8, 2012 9:11 AM

The Semantic Web Curates the World Data by Surfacing Context, Relationships, and Personalized Meaning

The Semantic Web Curates the World Data by Surfacing Context, Relationships, and Personalized Meaning | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it

Robin Good: The semantic web is all about integrating, capturing and exposing data relationships already existing within the information we generate.


From isolated, separate individual information items and streams, the semantic web will take me and you to a new information ecosystem in which the relationships, the connections and the ability to look at data from multiple perspectives are going to be the the main benefit and attraction.


Curation is part of this "semantic" process, giving individuals an important role in filtering, organizing, and making sense of the context and relationships existing between apparently unrelated isolated items.


We are all working to make better sense of the ocean of information that surrounds us.


Grace Nasri brings to light a few examples of internet companies, who have already begun "mapping and graphing the way their customers use, interact with and understand data."


-> Google Knowledge Graph

-> Facebook Social Graph

-> FindtheBest 

-> Hunch


"As we move towards Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web -- characterized by related, contextualized and personalized data -- there's a growing push for more robust context and relationship mapping."


".... a growing number of sites currently creating graphs that relate, connect and map information on the Web; as we move towards a more semantic web, this trend will only continue."


Insightful. Resourceful. 7/10


Full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/grace-nasri/internet-social-connecting-_b_1651098.html ;


(Image courtesy: techmites.blogspot.com)

Via Robin Good
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
September 18, 2011 10:22 AM

Understanding Online Content Curation

Understanding Online Content Curation | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Understand what online content curation is and how curated content fits into your overall marketing campaign, the Do’s and Don’ts of content curation.


Like fashion, Internet Marketing as SEO promotional techniques are often recycled and “re-launched” as something new and exciting.
In the fast moving world of Internet Marketing , where media, platforms and “Hot Sites” change and evolve at a rapid pace it is important for you to understand how online content curation fits into your overall marketing campaign.


Chances are you are already curating content online in some form without even being aware of it. So what is a curator and what is content curation? A curator is anyone who actively manages a collection. The curator seeks the best examples of relevant things to add to the collection and gets rid of anything that doesn’t fit.


Online Content Curation – The Concept...

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
October 26, 2011 9:40 PM

Curation and Creation Are Both Important

Curation and Creation Are Both Important | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it

How many times have you thought, “I wish I would have been a part of the Old Spice creation?” Or a part of creating any campaign gone viral? Perhaps you just wish you were creating daily content that was popular, meaningful and significant in and whatever you do.

Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe dabbling into more curation would be just as satisfying and effective?

The social space and world in general are full of people who want to create. Creating – the creative process – and fresh, new ideas make the marketing and business world go ’round. But what happens when this awesomely created content gets buried? If no one is there to collect it all into one place, it is likely to quickly go missing. That is, unless we acknowledge the power of curation.

Curation is not something for “those who can’t create.” It should not be thought of as a B-level social task. Remember, part of our jobs as chief sharers is to save people time. Curating does this...

Via Giuseppe Mauriello, Martin Gysler
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