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July 22, 7:09 AM!

GAZA: Why food is piling up on the edge of Gaza

GAZA: Why food is piling up on the edge of Gaza | ASIES |

Thousands of tonnes of food and medicine are still waiting to get in

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:55 AM!

ASIE : Pourquoi certains pays d'Asie du Sud-Est pourraient voir leur taux d’obésité exploser  

ASIE : Pourquoi certains pays d'Asie du Sud-Est pourraient voir leur taux d’obésité exploser   | ASIES |

Si beaucoup de pays d'Asie du Sud-Est échappaient jusqu'à présent à l'épidémie d'obésité qui touche presque tous les pays du monde, il semble que cela pourrait changer. Une étude montre que près de 50 % des produits alimentaires commercialisés pour les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants dans sept capitales de cette région du monde sont des aliments ultra-transformés. En plus d’être riches en sel, en sucre, 30 % de ces produits contiennent des additifs, dont certains sont même non autorisés.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:54 AM!

CAMBODGE : le futur canal à 1,7 milliard de dollars qui menace la stabilité dans la région

CAMBODGE : le futur canal à 1,7 milliard de dollars qui menace la stabilité dans la région | ASIES |

Le Cambodge s'apprête à démarrer la construction d'un gigantesque canal devant relier le Mékong au golfe de Thaïlande. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:53 AM!

CHINA: The third plenum embraces a ‘new development philosophy’ 

CHINA: The third plenum embraces a ‘new development philosophy’  | ASIES |

The long-awaited economic-focused meeting of the CCP’s governing body emphasized Beijing’s commitment to growth centered on technology – and CCP control.

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July 19, 5:50 AM!

INDONESIA: Kalimantan, Papua hold Indonesia's agriculture future

INDONESIA: Kalimantan, Papua hold Indonesia's agriculture future | ASIES |

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan affirmed that the future of Indonesia's agriculture and potential for achieving self-sufficiency lies in the Papua and Kalimantan regions.

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July 15, 5:26 AM!

CHINA: Its third plenum marks a sea change in growth model 

CHINA: Its third plenum marks a sea change in growth model  | ASIES |

The Chinese Communist Party’s anticipated meeting represents another step towards top-down economic governance and achieving scientific-self-reliance under President Xi.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:26 AM!

CHINA : It continues to lead the world in wind and solar

CHINA : It continues to lead the world in wind and solar | ASIES |

China is cementing its position as the global leader in renewables development with 180 GW of utility-scale solar and 159 GW of wind power already under construction. The total of the two is nearly twice as much as the rest of the world combined, and
enough to power all of South Korea, according to new data from Global Energy Monitor (GEM). The 339 GW of utility-scale solar and wind that have reached the construction stage accounts for one-third of all proposed wind and solar capacity in China, far
surpassing the global construction rate of just 7%, according to GEM’s latest Global Solar Power Tracker and Global Wind Power Tracker updates. The stark contrast in construction rates illustrates the active nature of China’s commitment to building
renewables projects.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:50 AM!

ASIA: From Infrastructure to Innovation: The Strategic Shift of CPEC 2.0

ASIA: From Infrastructure to Innovation: The Strategic Shift of CPEC 2.0 | ASIES |

The Project, which started in 2015 and costs $62 billion, known as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is identified as the flagship project of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’. CPEC is one of the grand wonders in the world in the 21st century which is planned to link Pakistan’s Gwadar and Karachi ports to China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. CPEC is entering a second phase – CPEC 2, where the project expanded the potential sectors for investment which includes agricultural, Information Technology (IT) and energy. The current changes are seen by the author as having profound consequences for Pakistan’s development of Pakistani economy and for regional stability, as he overemphasizes the role of the project in altering the economic landscape in Pakistan.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:40 AM!

ASIA: Philippines wants to boost rice cooperation with Vietnam to ensure food security

ASIA: Philippines wants to boost rice cooperation with Vietnam to ensure food security | ASIES |

The Philippines wants to boost cooperation on rice with Vietnam to ensure its food security, Philippine Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel said during a visit to Vietnam over the weekend.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:37 AM!

INDIA: The world’s next food superpower

INDIA: The world’s next food superpower | ASIES |

For years the Araku Valley, deep in the mountains on India’s east coast, was mired in poverty and rocked by Maoist violence. The government classifies most of its inhabitants as “particularly vulnerable tribal groups”; for generations they relied on slash-and-burn farming to scrape by. But now locals grow high-grade coffee that is sold at high prices to posh Europeans. Araku Coffee, the company that processes and markets their berries, runs cafés in fancy bits of Bangalore, Mumbai and Paris. The valley’s transformation is an agricultural success story. It is also a glimpse of what—with the right policies—the rest of rural Indiamight achieve.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:36 AM!

CHINA: The role of agriculture in modern China

CHINA: The role of agriculture in modern China | ASIES |

China is often viewed through the lenses of commerce, geopolitics, and political economy. At the fringes of these lies Chinese agriculture—and its domestic and global impact. This brief analyses the evolution of Chinese agriculture, from the revolutionary Maoist period to the present. It describes the Chinese government’s strategy to ensure food self-sufficiency for an increasingly voracious consumer base. In particular, it examines the production of two Chinese staples—soy and pork—to understand future trends in the country’s agricultural economy and its impact on international markets. It finds that in China, policymaking in agriculture, like in most other domains, is synonymous with experimentation. While not all experiments succeed, they provide valuable lessons.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:34 AM!

ASIA: China displaced as agricultural market driver

ASIA: China displaced as agricultural market driver | ASIES |

India, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are displacing China as drivers of agricultural markets, according to a new report.
The paper, jointly released by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), states that a “notable shift” is expected over the coming decade.
China accounted for 28 per cent of the growth in global consumption of agriculture and fisheries products over the previous decade, but its share of additional demand over the coming decade is projected to fall to 11 per cent.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:32 AM!

BLACK SEA: Türkiye, Romania, and Bulgaria establish task force to demine Black Sea

BLACK SEA: Türkiye, Romania, and Bulgaria establish task force to demine Black Sea | ASIES |

Türkiye, Romania, and Bulgaria have formed a Black Sea Mine Countermeasure Task Group to ensure maritime safety in the face of mines in the Black Sea, the Turkish National Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"As part of the Türkiye-led Trilateral Agreement launched with Romania and Bulgaria, the Black Sea Mine Countermeasure Task Group (MCM Black Sea) was established to ensure maritime security against the threat of mines in the Black Sea," the ministry wrote on X.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:56 AM!

SYRIE : quels enjeux géopolitiques ?

Plus de treize années après le début de la crise syrienne, où en est le processus de réhabilitation régionale de la Syrie ? Si les points de tensions restent d’actualité entre la Turquie et la Syrie – la guerre civile syrienne mettant au plus mal les relations entre le

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:54 AM!

ASIA: Vietnam, not India, is in a geopolitical and geoeconomic sweet spot 

ASIA: Vietnam, not India, is in a geopolitical and geoeconomic sweet spot  | ASIES |

India does not lack potential, but on both the geopolitical and geoeconomic fronts it has yet to seize the moment.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 6:53 AM!

CHINA: How Chinese climate disclosures can drive emission cuts

CHINA: How Chinese climate disclosures can drive emission cuts | ASIES |

With more companies having to reveal their emissions and climate action plans, this transparency can spur China’s low-carbon transition

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 19, 5:51 AM!

ASIA: Vietnam, Philippines agree to establish rice industry alliance

ASIA: Vietnam, Philippines agree to establish rice industry alliance | ASIES |

Agriculture ministers of Vietnam and the Philippines have agreed to establish a rice industry alliance between the two countries and upgrade the trade relationship to an investment partnership in the rice industry.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 5:30 AM!

IRAN : Le nouveau président iranien Massoud Pezeshkian dévoile sa politique étrangère

IRAN : Le nouveau président iranien Massoud Pezeshkian dévoile sa politique étrangère | ASIES |

Le nouveau président Masoud Pezeshkian a salué les relations de son pays avec la Russie et la Chine et refusé de céder aux « pressions » des États-Unis.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:26 AM!

ASIE : Des produits nord-coréens bientôt dans les supermarchés russes? 

Alors que la Corée du Nord et la Russie se sont rapprochées avec la signature d'un traité de défense mutuelle en juin dernier, les entreprises nord-coréennes commencent à regarder vers le marché russe. Une marque de savon originaire du régime de Kim Jong-un a déposé une demande pour que ses produits soient vendus dans les rayons russes.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:25 AM!

CHINA: Will China ever overtake the US economy? 

CHINA: Will China ever overtake the US economy?  | ASIES |

China's ambition to be the world's largest economy has been dented by COVID-19, the real estate crisis and an aging population. Boosting growth will be the prime focus at an important Communist Party meeting.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:40 AM!

VIETNAM: Greening Viet Nam's rice bowl: A Mekong Delta success story

VIETNAM: Greening Viet Nam's rice bowl: A Mekong Delta success story | ASIES |

Farmers throughout Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta are using that water more efficiently as part of IDA-financed project to support sustainable rice production, reduce methane emission, while improving yields, grain quality and farmers profitability.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:39 AM!

VIETNAM: Circular agriculture a game changer

VIETNAM: Circular agriculture a game changer | ASIES |

As the world’s fifth-largest rice producer, Vietnam has tremendous potential to generate revenue from by-products such as straw, husk and bran, as well as to adopt ecological and circular farming practices, according to industry insiders.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:37 AM!

INDIA: What India’s new agriculture policy must focus on 

INDIA: What India’s new agriculture policy must focus on  | ASIES |

There are no perfect solutions, there never were any. For the ministry, the big question is: What is the level of imperfection the Union minister is willing to settle for?

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:35 AM!

CHINA: Xi’s campaign to feed China is turning wasteland into farms

CHINA: Xi’s campaign to feed China is turning wasteland into farms | ASIES |

CHINA is facing increased pressure to produce more food at home, as grain imports soar to record levels and trade tensions mount. That’s spurring top officials to zero in on an essential component of that task: land. Read more at The Business Times.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:33 AM!

REPORT : India 2024 AgriFoodTech Investment Report | AgFunder

REPORT : India 2024 AgriFoodTech Investment Report | AgFunder | ASIES |

In 2023, Indian agrifoodtech startups raised $940 million across 129 deals, down 60% from 2022.

The number of deals remained almost flat with 129 closing in 2023 compared to 133 deals in 2022, indicating smaller deal sizes given the steep decline in dollars raised.

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