4 Big Social Media Lessons from Small Businesses [INFOGRAPHIC] | Business Improvement and Social media | Scoop.it

Social Media is not just a method only being utilized by big brands anymore. Small businesses are starting to embrace and implement social techniques on a grander scale.


A 2012 SMB Group Study found that 20% of small businesses use social in an ad hoc, informal way- to generate leads and drive traffic to websites. The study also revealed that 24% of small businesses are using social in strategic and structured way, including data analysis of market trends and customer driven product ideas.


The businesses practicing strategic social media enjoyed a higher level of integration amongst their departments. The largest disparity between the two groups was uncovered in Customer Service. Only 8% of the companies with an informal social media environment had integrated into Customer Service, while an impressive 43% of the strategic social group integrated Customer Service.

That's quite a difference and food for though if your small business just kicking the tire with little or no social presence.

Via Lauren Moss